28 Vegan Breakfast Recipes That Are So Good You Won't Miss The Meat Or Dairy (2024)

For vegans, vegetarians, or anyone who wants to try something new in the kitchen.

Whitney JeffersonPublished on September 25, 2019
28 Vegan Breakfast Recipes That Are So Good You Won't Miss The Meat Or Dairy (2)

Alice Yoo / BuzzFeed

Sweet Simple Vegan / Via sweetsimplevegan.com

I bet you didn't know you could make whole vegan bagel spread with faux cream cheese and carrot "lox"! This recipe will take you to Flavor Town™ and then some.

This Savory Vegan / Via thissavoryvegan.com

Breakfast sammies are for everyone, and learn how to make your own meat-free version with this recipe.

Ela Vegan / Via elavegan.com

Breakfast burritos are a beautiful thing, and you can easily make them vegan with the substitutes in this recipe. Go crazy!

4. Vegan Fruit and Yogurt Breakfast Tart

28 Vegan Breakfast Recipes That Are So Good You Won't Miss The Meat Or Dairy (3)

The View From Great Island / Via theviewfromgreatisland.com

If you aren't an artist, don't fret — this tart recipe will taste just as yummy if your fruits aren't as perfectly placed as the picture-perfect example above.

Ela Vegan / Via elavegan.com

These apple cinnamon rolled-up breakfast treats are delicious and pretty darn easy to make if you follow this recipe.

Sweet Like Cocoa / Via sweetlikecocoa.com

Apparently heaven is a place on earth. Get the recipe here.

Holy Cow Vegan / Via holycowvegan.net

One of the recipes that I miss the most since going vegan is my mother's egg strata recipe. So imagine how excited I was to come across this recipe for a vegan version of the dish! Simple yet impressive to guests, try this at your next hosted brunch!

Richa Hingle / Via veganricha.com

Everyone needs a go-to waffles recipe, and this one can be made in only one bowl.

9. Vegan Breakfast Quesadilla

28 Vegan Breakfast Recipes That Are So Good You Won't Miss The Meat Or Dairy (4)

Vegan Huggs / Via veganhuggs.com

Tofu, vegan cheese, and diced peppers make this recipe for vegan quesadillas a must-make for weekend brunch.

Vibrant Plate / Via vibrantplate.com

Call it basic, a fad, whatever you want, really: the avocado toast is here to stay. Save a whole lot of money and learn how to make it at home with this recipe.

Sweet Simple Vegan / Via sweetsimplevegan.com

This recipe for crepes is so easy, they only take 5 ingredients to make!

Choosing Chia / Via choosingchia.com

A recipe you can make with all sorts of different ingredients — and quickly! Get the recipe here.

Nora Cooks / Via noracooks.com

This recipe is a vegan take on a classic breakfast pastry.

Choosing Chia / Via choosingchia.com

A delectable, foldable omelet made from chickpea flour and veggies — what could be better? Try the recipe here.

Allergylicious / Via allergylicious.com

This recipe for vegan blackberry donuts happens to be gluten-free, too.

Holy Cow Vegan / Via holycowvegan.net

This recipe had me at the words "cheesy," "vegan," and "potato."

The Glowing Fridge / Via theglowingfridge.com

Overnight oats! So trendy. Get into it with this recipe, which uses chia seeds, peanut butter, banana, and cacao.

Fork and Beans / Via forkandbeans.com

This recipe is a classic vegan meal that we've been making for decades.

19. Caramelized Banana Oatmeal

Eat With Clarity / Via eatwithclarity.com

I've never caramelized a banana before, but this recipe for oatmeal generously topped with them makes me want to start.

Healthier Steps / Via healthiersteps.com

A tasty side dish or a little snack, this recipe for hash browns made from cauliflower is a delight.

21. Potato, Mushroom, and Kale Hash

28 Vegan Breakfast Recipes That Are So Good You Won't Miss The Meat Or Dairy (5)

Eye Candy Popper / eyecandypopper.com

Great as a side for any breakfast, try this recipe with whatever your favorite vegetables are.

The Foodie Psysician / Via thefoodiephysician.com, The Foodie P / Via thefoodiephysician.com

Get creative and pretend you're making art with this recipe for a decadent smoothie bowl.

Bakerita / Via bakerita.com

It's like a smoothie bowl... but hot. Get the recipe here.

Holy Cow Vegan / Via holycowvegan.net

It's like a pot pie and english breakfast had a baby, and made this recipe. It's easily made in the Instant Pot!

Food With Feeling / Via foodwithfeeling.com

Load up your sweet potatoes with almond butter, blueberries, bananas, and seeds like in this recipe for a tasty morning dish.

Savory Nothings / Via savorynothings.com

A simple take on a classic pancake made with oats and only four ingredients. Get the recipe here.

Nora Cooks / Via noracooks.com

Lemon bars, it seems, are a divisive topic: are they a dessert or a breakfast food? I say, why not both? Get the recipe here.

Minimalist Baker / Via minimalistbaker.com

The key to great breakfast potatoes, in my humble opinion, is to use red potatoes that you bake after softening first. Follow the steps in this recipe and I promise you'll be pleased.

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