Ginger S'mores cupcakes recipe | Ft DeDietrich (2024)

Vegan, quick & easy.

Let’s welcome some of the most moorish cupcakes that have ever existed.

A ginger cookie base, with a chocolate sponge, topped with a swirl of toasted meringue and grated dairy-free chocolate.Ginger S'mores cupcakes recipe | Ft DeDietrich (1)

Ginger S'mores cupcakes recipe | Ft DeDietrich (2)

I baked these cupcakes in my DeDietrich oven.

There are honestly no words to describe how incredible this oven (and company is)!

It’s a dream to be able to work with them and use their amazing oven! It’s always a talking point in my kitchen!

The oven bakes cupcakes, sponges etc beautifully, with an all round even bake- I love it!

I have the ‘Platinum collection‘ oven, which comes with a touch screen and an ‘easy to use’ twist menu button.

It has a large touch screen, which is clear to read with loads of options- including:

-Defrost function

-Drying function

-12 cooking functions

-Soft close door

-DX1 display

-Rose gold turner

-6 shelf levels

-35 auto recipes

+ loads more!

Check out their range of ovens here. I personally highly recommend it!

I use my oven to bake everything you see on my Instagram & website! The amount of settings and technology it has is incredible and it bake’s desserts to perfection.

I used the Fan Oven setting to help me make these yummy cupcakes!Ginger S'mores cupcakes recipe | Ft DeDietrich (3)Ginger S'mores cupcakes recipe | Ft DeDietrich (4)

I took inspiration for the photos from my friend on Instagram, The Loopy Whisk!

These cakes are light and fluffy, with a rich chocolate flavour and a hint of ginger.

They’re warming and filling and perfect for any occasion!

You’re going to love them..I promise!

Preparation- 40 minutes

Baking time- 18-20 minutes

Makes- Around 10

Level- Easy

Ingredients for the cookie base

-80g of ginger cookies

-2 tablespoons of dairy-free butter (melted)

Ingredients for the cake

-240ml of dairy-free milk

-1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar

-210g of self-raising flour

-1 teaspoon of ground ginger

-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder

-100g of golden caster sugar

-1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

-1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda

-60g of coconut oil (melted)

Ingredients for the meringue

-100g of chickpea brine (aquafaba)

-75g of golden caster sugar

-1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

-1 + 1/2 tablespoons of cream of tartar

To make the cookie base

Step 1- Line a cupcake tin with cupcake cases.

Step 2- Place the cookies into a food processor/blender and whizz up until crumbly, but not too fine.

Step 3- Melt the butter.

Step 4- In a bowl, add in the crushed cookies, pour over the melted butter and mix until like wet sand.

Step 5- Press a tablespoon of the mixture into each cupcake case, making sure to compact it using a spoon or clean hands.

Set aside.

To make the cupcakes

Step 1- Preheat your oven to 180 degrees c.

Step 2- In a small bowl, combine the dairy-free milk with the apple cider vinegar and whisk until fully combined.

Set aside for 10 minutes to curdle. This creates a vegan ‘buttermilk’.

Step 3- In a large mixing bowl, sift the flour, ground ginger, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda.

Mix well to combine.

Step 4- Add the melted coconut oil to the ‘buttermilk’ and whisk to combine.

Step 5- Add the wet ingredients into the dry and mix until a smooth batter.

Step 6- On top of the cookie base, fill the cupcake cases 3/4 full with the batter.

Make sure to tap the tins on the worktop to remove any air bubbles.

Step 7- Pop the cakes into the preheated oven and bake for 18-20 minutes.

You will know they are done when you put a knife or skewer in and it comes out clean and they are springy to the touch.

Step 8- Place the cupcakes on a cooling rack and allow to cool fully.

Once cool, pop them into a sealed container to keep them fresh before frosting/decorating.

To make the meringue

Step 1- Drain the chickpea brine from a can of chickpeas and place into a mixing bowl.

Whizz up on high until foamy, then add in the cream of tartar.

I use my stand mixer with the balloon attachment.

You can use an electric hand whisk.

Step 2- Add in the sugar and continue to whip until stiff meringue peaks form.

Step 3- When thick & glossy, add in the vanilla.

Step 4- Place the meringue into a piping bag fitted with a star tip nozzle and pipe a swirl of meringue onto each cupcake.

You can toast the meringue either using a blow torch (which I did) or by popping the meringue under the grill for a few seconds to lightly toast.

Decorate the cupcakes with a sprinkle of grated dairy-free chocolate.

Serve these cupcakes fresh or store in a sealed container in or out of the fridge.

Best eaten within a few days.


Ginger S'mores cupcakes recipe | Ft DeDietrich (5)

Shop the whole ‘DeDietrich’ range here.

This is a paid collaboration with DeDietrich.

A huge thank you to DeDietrich for collabing on this recipe with me!

Discover De Dietrich on social media




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Ginger S'mores cupcakes recipe | Ft DeDietrich (6)

Ginger S'mores cupcakes recipe | Ft DeDietrich (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.