Surge Navyheart on (2024)

Surge Navyheart my male alicorn Ponysona Avatar in Equestria The My Little Pony universe. Surge Navyheart has incomprehensible yet perfect neutrality in existence.

he knows the true values of neutrality, and as such usually prefer not taking any side in any of the conflicts, just only end them, and often solely to retain the balance related to such neutrality.

Surge Navyheartattains a state of transcendence, neither perfect nor imperfect, free from the constraints of morality, and in complete harmony with all concepts. This balance grants him unparalleled understanding, allowing him to work effortlessly with both good and evil, light and darkness, and any opposing forces. This supreme equilibrium elevates him to a superior state, where he become true masters of balance. However, the extent of his omnipotence depends on the depth of this balance he achieve.

General Information

  1. Character Name: Surge Navyheart
  2. Nicknames/Aliases: Surge
  3. Age: 23+ Years Old (Immortal)
  4. Gender: Male
  5. Species:Alicorn
  6. Alignment: True Neutral
  7. Character Archetype: morally ambiguous character.
  8. Occupation: Magic Swordsman, Bounty Hunter, Sage, Transcendent Sorcerer, Leader of the eternal hearts.
  9. Preferred Weapon: Starheart Sword

Physical Appearance

  1. Eye Color: Neon Green
  2. Magic horn aura color: Neon Green
  3. Mane and tail Color: Black and Navy Blue
  4. Coat Color: Brown
  5. Cutiemark Description: Surge Navyheart's cutiemark is a bold navy blue heart featuring a neon green downward-pointing.
  6. chevron at its center.
  7. Body Size: Large
  8. Clothing/Attire: Combat Uniform


  1. Personality traits: Kind-hearted, Humble, Charismatic, Creative, Alert, Confident, Dedicated, Curious, Empathetic, Faithful, Hardworking, Independent, Intelligent, Invulnerable, Logical, Protective, Resourceful, Responsible, Sage, Serious, Skillful, Wise, Casual, Stern, Artful.
  2. Flaws: Critical, Resentful.
  3. Strengths: Dedicated, imagination, Perfectionist, Empathy, adaptability, resilience, determination, leadership, Exceptional combat skills, Master of stealth and evasion, High intelligence and strategic thinking, Skilled in various forms of magic, Excellent survival instincts, Charismatic and persuasive when necessary, Fast learner and adaptability, Expert tracker, Controlled and disciplined in chaotic situations, Exceptional problem-solving skills, Mastery over plasma manipulation, able to shape and control plasma with precision, Can generate intense heat with his plasma, useful for melting obstacles or weakening opponents, Capable of launching powerful plasma blasts, both offensively and defensively, Plasma-based constructs creation, forming shields, weapons, or barriers as needed, Enhanced agility and reflexes, augmented by his control over plasma, Able to fly at high speeds using controlled plasma bursts, Limited range of plasma manipulation without proper concentration, Vulnerable to opponents who specialize in energy absorption or redirection, Precise control over electricity, able to manipulate currents and voltages at will, Vulnerable to opponents with insulation or high electrical resistance, Vulnerable to opponents with high resistance to heat-based attacks, Can age or rejuvenate objects or living beings by manipulating their temporal flow, Immunity to temporal alterations, retaining memories even after timeline changes,
  4. Weaknesses: reclessness, Difficulty trusting others due to past abandonment, Struggles with decision-making under pressure, Difficulty forgiving oneself for past mistakes, Often misunderstood by others, Tends to hold grudges, Tendency to bottle up emotions until they explode, Tendency to withdraw from social interactions, Struggles with expressing emotions in healthy ways, Tendency to isolate oneself during periods of distress, Tends to work alone making teamwork challenging, Emotional scars from past traumas, Lone wolf mentality may lead to isolation, Vulnerable to opponents with insulation or high electrical resistance, Requires a source of electricity to replenish his powers if drained, Struggles with fine control over his electrokinesis during emotional turmoil,
  5. Motivation: To connect be accepted, and be understood, to find his place in the world, to overcome his past
  6. Likes: food, Spell books, Stargazing, Flying in supersonic speed, Battling, Fighting strong opponents, Spending time with his friends, Animals, Brewing potions, Enchanting weapons and armor, Crafting Powerful weapons, Crafting potions that heal, Healing the sick and wounded.
  7. Dislikes: Surge dislikes when people Lying to him, Surge dislikes when people hurt his friends and the people he cares about, Being hated, Heroic Monologues, Overactive Hero Complex, People and Ponies Who Don't Learn From their Mistakes, Arrogance, Rudeness, Being Imprisoned Unjustly, Injustice, Being Betrayed, Selfishness, Misuse of Power, Corrupt Rulers, Cruelty to Animals, Dishonest Merchants, Stereotypical Gender Roles.
  8. Hobbies: Baking, Magic Practice, Playing Musical Instruments, Singing, Dancing, Stargazing, Cooking, Music, Potion Making, Art, Gardening with magic, Magic, Fashion, Helping Others, Helping Animals, Reading spell books.
  9. Dreams/Aspirations: To find true inner peace and tranquility, To uncover the ultimate truth about their own existence, To achieve mastery over their unique abilities,
  10. Personal Goals: To find genuine companionship and lasting friendships,


  1. Parents: Nova Star(Biological Mother)Thunderstorm shield(Biological Father).
  2. Best Friends: Solarstorm Shadow, Silver Froze, Emerald Hunter, Flare Storm, Razor Claw, Steel Stud, Starnight Ghost, Sunstone Armor, Sullivan, Lightwing Moon, Onyx, Amber Lily.

Background and History

  1. Personality Description:*
    • Surge Navyheart is a kind-hearted individual with a deep love for exploring other universes and embarking on fun adventures. Known for his humility, Surge Navyheart never expects anything in return for his efforts. Even if someone offers him a substantial reward for his good deeds, he graciously declines, content with the act of doing the right thing.
    • Charismatic and engaging, Surge Navyheart enjoys talking to people, sharing his ideas, and occasionally making friends. However, his sociability depends on his comfort level, as he often finds it challenging to interact and socialize. As an ambivert, Surge Navyheart typically prefers solitude, but when in an optimistic mood, he can exhibit extroverted tendencies and thrive in social settings.
    • Surge Navyheart possesses a remarkable creative Person, constantly brimming with innovative ideas and imaginative solutions. His creativity is not confined to a single domain; it spans across various aspects of his life, from his adventures in other universes to his everyday interactions. This creativity allows him to view challenges from unique perspectives and devise original strategies to overcome them. Surge Navyheart's inventive nature also fuels his love for storytelling, enabling him to captivate others with tales of his experiences.
    • Surge Navyheart possesses a keen sense of alertness that keeps him attuned to his surroundings at all times. Whether navigating through unfamiliar universes or engaging in everyday activities, he remains vigilant and observant, ready to react swiftly to any changes or potential dangers. This heightened awareness not only ensures his safety during adventures but also allows him to notice subtle details that others might overlook. Surge Navyheart's alertness serves as a valuable asset, enabling him to adapt quickly to new situations and make informed decisions on the fly. His sharp instincts and quick reflexes make him capable of handling whatever challenges come his way.
    • Surge Navyheart exudes confidence in every step he takes. With a firm belief in his abilities and a positive outlook on life, he approaches challenges head-on, undeterred by obstacles along the way. His self-assurance not only inspires those around him but also fuels his determination to achieve his goals.
    • Dedication defines Surge Navyheart's approach to life. Once he sets his sights on a goal or embarks on a new adventure, he commits himself wholeheartedly, pouring his energy and passion into every endeavor. Regardless of the challenges he faces or the setbacks he encounters, Surge Navyheart remains steadfast in his pursuit, fueled by a relentless determination to succeed. His unwavering dedication not only drives him to push past obstacles but also inspires those around him to strive for excellence. With perseverance as his guiding principle, Surge Navyheart stands as a testament to the power of unwavering commitment in achieving one's dreams.
    • Surge Navyheart's curiosity knows no bounds. With an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a relentless drive to explore the unknown, he eagerly delves into new experiences and seeks out answers to life's mysteries. His inquisitive nature fuels his sense of wonder and propels him on thrilling adventures, always eager to uncover the secrets that lie beyond the horizon.
    • Empathy and faithfulness are the cornerstones of Surge Navyheart's character. He possesses a profound ability to understand and share the feelings of others, offering unwavering support and compassion in times of need. Surge Navyheart's empathetic nature allows him to forge deep connections with those around him, fostering trust and understanding in every interaction. In addition to his empathy, Surge Navyheart is exceptionally faithful. Once he forms a bond or makes a commitment, he remains steadfast and loyal, honoring his promises with unwavering devotion. Whether standing by a friend in their darkest hour or remaining true to his own principles, Surge Navyheart's faithfulness serves as a beacon of integrity and reliability, earning him the admiration and respect of all who know him.
    • Surge Navyheart is relentlessly hardworking. With unwavering determination and a strong work ethic, he tackles every task with diligence and perseverance. His dedication to excellence drives him to go above and beyond, consistently delivering outstanding results in all endeavors. and Surge Navyheart is fiercely independent. With a strong sense of self-reliance and autonomy, he thrives in solitude, embracing the freedom to chart his own course in life. His independence fuels his adventurous spirit and empowers him to navigate the world on his own terms, unencumbered by external influences.
    • Surge Navyheart possesses a sharp intellect, capable of grasping complex concepts and finding creative solutions to problems. His keen mind allows him to adapt quickly to new situations and make insightful decisions.
    • Surge Navyheart exudes invulnerability. With unwavering inner strength and resilience, he faces challenges head-on, undeterred by adversity. His steadfast resolve and unyielding spirit make him virtually impervious to the obstacles life may throw his way. Surge Navyheart embodies a blend of logical reasoning, protective instincts, resourcefulness, and unwavering responsibility.
    • His logical approach to life allows him to analyze situations with clarity and precision, making well-informed decisions based on reason and evidence. Even in the face of uncertainty, Surge Navyheart remains grounded in logic, relying on rational thinking to navigate through challenges and obstacles. His protective nature extends beyond himself to those he cares about deeply.
    • Surge Navyheart is fiercely loyal to his loved ones, acting as a steadfast guardian and advocate for their well-being. He takes on the role of protector with utmost seriousness, ensuring the safety and security of those under his watchful eye. Whether shielding them from physical harm or providing emotional support, Surge Navyheart's protective instincts are unwavering, serving as a pillar of strength in times of need.
    • In addition to his protective nature, Surge Navyheart is exceptionally resourceful. He possesses a knack for finding innovative solutions to problems, drawing upon his creativity and adaptability to overcome obstacles. When faced with challenges, Surge Navyheart approaches them with a can-do attitude, leveraging his resourcefulness to find effective ways forward. His ability to think on his feet and make the most of available resources makes him a valuable asset in any situation.
    • Moreover, Surge Navyheart is deeply committed to his responsibilities. He takes ownership of his actions and obligations, fulfilling them with integrity and dedication. Whether it's honoring promises made to others or carrying out duties entrusted to him, Surge Navyheart approaches each task with a sense of duty and purpose. His responsible nature ensures that he remains reliable and dependable, earning him the trust and respect of those around him.
    • Surge Navyheart embodies a sage-like wisdom. With a deep understanding of life's complexities and a wealth of knowledge accumulated through experiences, he offers profound perspectives on various matters. Grounded in introspection and contemplation, Surge Navyheart's insights inspire reflection and growth. His calm demeanor and thoughtful approach make him a respected figure, sought after for his wise counsel. Whether navigating challenges or providing advice, Surge Navyheart's wisdom enriches the lives of those around him.
    • Surge Navyheart has a serious demeanor that commands respect. With a focused mindset and a strong sense of purpose, he approaches life with a solemn determination. Surge Navyheart's seriousness is not born out of rigidity, but rather from a deep commitment to his goals and values. He takes his responsibilities seriously, tackling them with diligence and discipline. While he may not always indulge in frivolity, Surge Navyheart's seriousness underscores his dedication to excellence and his unwavering resolve to make a meaningful impact in the world. Despite his solemn demeanor, those who know him well understand that beneath the surface lies a compassionate heart and a steadfast determination to uphold what he believes in.
    • Surge Navyheart's casual mastery makes even the most challenging tasks seem like a breeze, effortlessly earning admiration and respect from those around him. Whether it's tackling complex problems or showcasing his talents in various endeavors, Surge Navyheart's laid-back approach belies his exceptional skill and expertise. His ability to effortlessly excel in whatever he sets his mind to is a testament to both his natural talent and his dedication to continual improvement.
    • Surge Navyheart embodies a profound wisdom that enriches both his own life and the lives of those around him. His deep understanding of the world is rooted in years of introspection, experience, and learning. Surge Navyheart's wisdom shines through in his thoughtful insights, his ability to see the bigger picture, and his capacity to offer sage advice in times of need. He approaches life with a sense of balance and perspective, drawing upon his vast reservoir of knowledge to navigate challenges with grace and resilience. Surge Navyheart's wisdom is not just about knowing facts; it's about understanding the intricacies of human nature, the complexities of the universe, and the deeper truths that lie beneath the surface. His words carry weight and resonance, making him a trusted confidant and mentor to those who seek his guidance. Through his actions and words, Surge Navyheart exemplifies the timeless adage that true wisdom comes not just from knowledge, but from the application of that knowledge with empathy, compassion, and humility.
    • Surge Navyheart's stern demeanor commands attention and respect in any room he enters. With a firm gaze and a no-nonsense attitude, he exudes an aura of authority and seriousness that leaves no room for ambiguity. Surge Navyheart's sternness is not borne out of harshness or cruelty, but rather from a deeply-held sense of duty and responsibility. He takes his commitments seriously and expects the same level of dedication from those around him. While some may perceive his sternness as intimidating, those who know Surge Navyheart well understand that it stems from a desire to uphold standards of excellence and integrity. He holds himself to high expectations and holds others accountable for their actions, making him a natural leader and mentor.
    • Despite his stern exterior, Surge Navyheart possesses a compassionate heart and a genuine concern for the well-being of others. He may not always express it openly, but his actions speak volumes about his commitment to supporting and nurturing those under his care. Surge Navyheart's sternness serves as a reminder of the importance of discipline, diligence, and accountability in all aspects of life. It is a quality that commands respect and admiration, and one that underscores his unwavering commitment to leading by example and upholding the values he holds dear.
  2. Character description:
    • Surge Navyheart is a complex Individual, existing in the morally gray areas between heroism and villainy. He refuses to conform to society's simplistic notions of good and evil, instead carving out his own path of neutrality. Surge Navyheart harbors a deep-seated aversion to being recruited by either side, whether it be the heroes or the villains, viewing their conflicts as futile and ultimately fruitless. He resents the pressure placed upon him by individuals from both factions, frustrated by their attempts to pigeonhole him into their rigid ideologies. Despite his neutral stance, Surge Navyheart possesses a strong sense of empathy and fairness. He refuses to discriminate against individuals based on their appearance or affiliations, recognizing the inherent complexity and diversity of sentient beings. Surge Navyheart's egalitarian approach extends to his interactions with both heroes and villains, as he treats them with equal respect and consideration. He is open to forming friendships with individuals from either side, offering his assistance or support when needed. However, Surge Navyheart is not without his frustrations and grievances. He bristles at the self-righteousness of heroes who engage in heroic monologues and display an overactive hero complex. Likewise, he condemns the prejudiced attitudes of those who judge others based on superficial criteria, such as appearance or background. Surge Navyheart believes in giving everyone a fair chance and listening to their stories and perspectives, regardless of their alignment. Despite his aversion to conflict, Surge Navyheart is not afraid to intervene when the people he cares about are threatened or harmed. He holds both heroes and villains accountable for their actions, particularly when they fail to learn from their mistakes or misuse their power. In cases where his loved ones are endangered, Surge Navyheart's neutral stance evaporates, and he becomes a formidable force to reckon with. He is willing to go to extreme lengths to protect those he cares about, even if it means banishing or punishing individuals who pose a threat to their safety. In moments of extreme provocation, Surge Navyheart's moral compass may lead him to enact severe consequences upon those who have caused harm. He is not afraid to deliver justice swiftly and decisively, whether it involves imprisonment, destruction, or even resurrection and forgiveness, depending on the circ*mstances. However, Surge Navyheart remains steadfast in his resolve to hold others accountable for their actions, ensuring that they face the consequences of their deeds. Surge Navyheart's neutrality doesn't stem from apathy; rather, it's rooted in a deep understanding of the complexities of morality and a desire to remain impartial amidst conflicting ideologies. He empathizes with the struggles of others, recognizing the nuances of their experiences and perspectives, even as he maintains his stance of neutrality. Surge Navyheart's empathy Allows him to navigate the blurred lines between heroism and villainy with compassion and understanding.
    • Surge Navyheart possesses a remarkable adaptability that allows him to thrive in ever-changing circ*mstances. Whether traversing through unfamiliar universes or navigating the complexities of moral dilemmas, he effortlessly adjusts to new situations with grace and resilience. Surge Navyheart's adaptability is a testament to his ability to think on his feet, quickly assessing challenges and finding creative solutions. He embraces change as an opportunity for growth, continually evolving and learning from each experience. With a flexible mindset and an unwavering determination, Surge Navyheart proves time and again that he is capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes his way.
    • Surge Navyheart's combat prowess is nothing short of exceptional, honed through years of rigorous training and real-world experience. His mastery of various fighting styles, paired with his keen strategic mind, makes him a formidable opponent in any battle. Surge Navyheart seamlessly blends agility, strength, and precision to outmaneuver and outwit his adversaries, always staying one step ahead of their moves. Whether facing off against monsters in alternate dimensions or engaging in intense confrontations, Surge Navyheart's combat skills are unparalleled. He approaches each fight with calculated precision, utilizing his arsenal of techniques to swiftly neutralize threats and emerge victorious. In the heat of battle, Surge Navyheart's focus is unwavering, his resolve unshakeable, and his determination to protect those he cares about unmatched.
    • Surge Navyheart's expertise in swordsmanship is nothing short of extraordinary, reflecting years of dedicated practice and refinement. His mastery of the blade transcends mere proficiency, showcasing a level of skill that borders on the sublime. With each fluid motion, Surge Navyheart demonstrates an intuitive understanding of swordplay, seamlessly weaving offense and defense into a mesmerizing dance of lethal precision. His combat style is characterized by a perfect balance of speed, agility, and finesse, allowing him to effortlessly dispatch opponents with graceful efficiency. Whether engaging in duels against skilled adversaries or facing down hordes of foes, Surge Navyheart's swordsmanship is a sight to behold, a testament to his unwavering dedication to the art of combat. Surge Navyheart's intelligence is matched only by his strategic acumen, making him a formidable force on the battlefield and beyond. Possessing a keen intellect and a sharp analytical mind, he excels at assessing complex situations and devising effective solutions.
    • Surge Navyheart's strategic thinking extends far beyond mere tactics; he approaches every challenge with a long-term perspective, considering the broader implications of his actions. Whether plotting his next move in a high-stakes battle or navigating intricate political machinations, Surge Navyheart demonstrates an innate ability to anticipate outcomes and adapt his plans accordingly. His strategic brilliance is a testament to his mastery of the art of warfare, earning him respect and admiration from allies and adversaries alike.
    • Surge Navyheart's proficiency in various forms of magic is as versatile as it is formidable, showcasing a depth of knowledge and mastery that few can rival. From the arcane arts of elemental manipulation to the subtle intricacies of illusion and enchantment, Surge Navyheart demonstrates an impressive command over a wide range of magical disciplines. His expertise allows him to weave spells with precision and finesse, bending the forces of nature to his will with ease. Whether conjuring protective wards to shield allies from harm or unleashing devastating offensive spells to vanquish foes, Surge Navyheart's magical prowess knows no bounds. His skill in magic is not just a display of power, but a testament to his deep understanding of the mystical forces that shape the world around him, making him a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield.
    • Surge Navyheart's survival instincts are exceptional, serving as a testament to his keen awareness and adaptability in the face of adversity. Whether traversing through rugged terrains or navigating perilous situations, he possesses an uncanny ability to assess risks and make split-second decisions to ensure his survival. Surge Navyheart's intuition guides him through challenging scenarios, allowing him to anticipate dangers and react swiftly to overcome them. His resourcefulness knows no bounds, as he leverages his surroundings and ingenuity to overcome obstacles and emerge victorious against nature's harshest elements. With Surge Navyheart at the helm, survival isn't just a skill—it's a way of life, ingrained in his very being as he confidently navigates the trials and tribulations of the world around him. Surge Navyheart's ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations is truly remarkable, setting him apart as a versatile and formidable individual.
    • He possesses a keen intellect and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, allowing him to grasp new concepts and skills with ease. Whether faced with unfamiliar technologies, languages, or environments, Surge Navyheart approaches each challenge with an open mind and a willingness to learn. His adaptability shines through as he effortlessly adjusts to changing circ*mstances, leveraging his newfound knowledge to thrive in any situation. With a combination of sharp wit, determination, and a natural curiosity, Surge Navyheart proves time and again that he is capable of mastering any task set before him. Surge Navyheart's ability to maintain control and discipline in chaotic situations is truly commendable, showcasing his exceptional poise and resilience under pressure. When faced with tumultuous circ*mstances, he remains composed and level-headed, allowing him to think clearly and make calculated decisions amidst the chaos.
    • Surge Navyheart's disciplined approach enables him to stay focused on his objectives, even in the midst of turmoil, ensuring that he remains effective and efficient in his actions. Whether navigating through intense battles or navigating through high-stress scenarios, Surge Navyheart's unwavering self-control and discipline serve as a beacon of stability, inspiring confidence in those around him and enabling him to emerge victorious against the odds.
    • Surge Navyheart exhibits remarkable problem-solving skills, and his sharp intellect and innovative thinking. When confronted with challenges, he approaches them with a combination of analytical reasoning and creative ingenuity, enabling him to devise effective solutions even in the most complex of situations. Surge Navyheart's ability to break down problems into manageable components and explore multiple avenues for resolution sets him apart as a skilled problem solver. Whether faced with intellectual puzzles or practical obstacles, he tackles each challenge with determination and resourcefulness, consistently finding ways to overcome adversity and achieve success.
    • Surge Navyheart often finds decision-making under pressure to be a challenging ordeal. Despite his exceptional abilities in various domains, the weight of urgent situations can occasionally cloud his judgment. When faced with critical choices amidst chaos, Surge Navyheart grapples with conflicting options and the fear of making the wrong decision. The intensity of the moment can overwhelm him, leading to moments of hesitation or indecision. However, despite these struggles, Surge Navyheart remains determined to improve his ability to think clearly under pressure, seeking to hone his decision-making skills through practice and experience. Over time, he endeavors to cultivate a sense of calm and clarity, allowing him to navigate high-stakes situations with greater confidence and efficacy.
    • Surge Navyheart struggles with letting go of grievances, often finding it challenging to release feelings of resentment or anger. When he feels wronged or betrayed, Surge Navyheart has a tendency to hold onto these emotions, allowing them to linger and fester over time. This inclination to hold grudges can impact his relationships and interactions with others, as it may prevent him from fully moving past past conflicts or transgressions. Despite recognizing the negative effects of harboring such feelings, Surge Navyheart finds it difficult to release them, clinging to a sense of injustice or perceived wrongdoing. However, as he continues on his journey, Surge Navyheart endeavors to work through these challenges, striving to cultivate forgiveness and let go of past grievances in order to foster greater peace and harmony in his life.
    • Surge Navyheart often prefers to work alone, finding solace and efficiency in solitude. While he values the camaraderie and support of others, Surge Navyheart's independent nature thrives when he's free to chart his own course and make decisions autonomously. Working alone allows him to maintain control over his actions and decisions, without the need to compromise or accommodate the preferences of others. Additionally, Surge Navyheart's self-reliance enables him to focus deeply on tasks at hand, free from distractions or interruptions. However, this inclination to work alone can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation or detachment from others. Despite these challenges, Surge Navyheart remains steadfast in his preference for independence, recognizing the unique strengths and opportunities it affords him on his journey.
  3. Signature attacks
    1. Plasma Cannon: Charge and unleash a devastating cannon blast of plasma energy.
    2. Plasma Bolt: Emit a concentrated bolt of superheated plasma at a target.
    3. Plasma Nova: Create a powerful explosion of plasma energy, devastating everything in its vicinity.
    4. Plasma Shield: Generate a protective barrier of plasma energy to deflect incoming attacks.
    5. Plasma Blast: Unleash a large burst of plasma energy capable of obliterating obstacles and enemies.
    6. Plasma Beam: Fire a continuous beam of intense plasma energy, cutting through anything in its path.
    7. Plasma Overdrive: Enter a state of heightened plasma energy, enhancing all abilities.
    8. Shockwave: Release a powerful shockwave of electrical energy, knocking back foes.
    9. Thunder Blast: Emit a concentrated blast of electrical energy, obliterating obstacles and foes.
    10. Thunderbolt: Summon a bolt of thunder and lightning to strike foes from above.

Heart powers category

  1. Power: Love Empowerment
    • Description: Surge Navyheart becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by love of others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing his existing powers.
  2. Power: Soulmate Connection
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has a powerful connection with his soulmates that links and bonds them forever, an inseparable bond with one or more individuals with whom he share a deep and natural affinity. This connection encompasses various aspects, including love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, spirituality, sexuality, and trust. Surge Navyheart and his soulmate/s are intrinsically linked, their souls resonating in perfect harmony, drawn to each other through an unbreakable bond of similarity and mutual understanding.
  3. Power: Indomitable Love
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possess an indomitably strong love, an extraordinary and profound emotion that revolves around an intense feeling of deep affection towards others, empowering him to surmount any obstacle in existence. Love itself holds the power to conquer even the most formidable adversaries, defying death, fate, and all conceivable challenges.
  4. Power: Heart Link
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses a link to somebody/something through their heart, which allows him to know each other's locations, share in other power(s) or other capabilities.
  5. Power: Strong Heart
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possess a characteristic vigor in one's heart, which grants an indomitable strength, or abilities, that's well beyond of ordinary members of their species regardless of its nature.
  6. Power: Empathy
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can fully interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing him to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another.

Physical and Mental Enhancements Category

  1. Enhancement:Enhanced Condition
    • Description:Surge Navyheart possess all his capabilities, attributes and aspects at an advanced level, beyond that of the peak members of his own species. This means Surge Navyheart’s aspects (E.g., beauty, charisma, character and physique) attributes (E.g., physical and mental condition) as well as capabilities (E.g., potential, feats, skills and abilities, be it natural or supernatural) would be beyond that of standard individuals. In human terms, this entails that an enhanced human would have an enhanced mental and physical condition, incredible judgement, knowledge, creativity, imagination and other cognitive and brain-related abilities as well as being able to lift weights and output strength even the strongest weightlifters couldn’t hope to achieve, moving at speeds similar to that of cars to even subsonic speeds, being immune to nigh-fatal damage and harm and performing at peak performance without tiring for long periods. In conclusion, Surge Navyheart is an all-rounder that is superior overall to practically all other members in his species and almost all beings in his universe.
  2. Enhancement:Enhanced Body
    • Description: Surge Navyheart's physical condition is above normal and peak members of his species in that verse, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. This means that Surge Navyheart's strength, speed, endurance, agility, durability, stamina and reflexes are many times greater than peak members of his species.
  3. Enhancement:Enhanced Beauty
    • Description: Surge Navyheartpossess a level of grace, physical beauty/handsomeness, sexual attractiveness, sense of style and social poise above what is normally achievable by humans. This is the level of beauty/handsomeness of a storybook princess or fairy-tale prince charming but is below the level found in goddesses of love and beauty, such as Aphrodite, or heavenly beings like angels and archangels.
  4. Enhancement:Enhanced Balance
    • Description: Surge Navyhearthas both extremely well developed sense of balance, the positioning of limbs and the center of balance as well as the physical condition to use these facts. This combination makes him almost impossible to being knocked down/imbalanced, falling down and able to recover from momentary imbalances near instantly. Surge Navyheartautomatically achieves a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. he is able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to perfectly balance himself on any object, no matter how small, narrow or unstable it may be.
  5. Enhancement:Enhanced Bodily Capacity
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can use more than 100% of all his systems and bodily functions, making him smarter, stronger, faster, more agile, durable, etc. in every way in regards to what the body is capable of. This includes the neural system, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the brain, etc.
  6. Enhancement:Enhanced Durability
    • Description: Surge Navyheart's physical durability, the ability to withstand damage, is extremely high, allowing him to take numerous blows of internal or external assaults before succumbing to the effects. Surge Navyheart can withstand bullets, grenades and low to medium explosives (equivalent to ten tons of TNT), survive falling from the top of tall buildings and building collapse, withstand beatings from superhumans, take getting beaten with steel rods and bars, and survive massive amounts of blood loss.
  7. Enhancement:Enhanced Health
    • Description: Surge Navyheartpossesses; a physical, mental, social, spiritual, emotional, and sexual health and condition beyond the max health of his species. he has every part in and of his body, external and internal, at first-rate health and condition, and are devoid of any disorders, diseases, deformities, disabilities, imperfections, scars, etc. Surge Navyheart can consume mass quantities of food while still maintaining his physique and have an incredible well-being, recovery rate, and immune system. he can sustain more damage than ordinary members of his species without necessarily having a particularly strong resistance/tolerance to pain.
  8. Enhancement:Enhanced Endurance
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can endure physical stresses beyond the capabilities of the greatest humans, enabling him to do things such as: tolerate extreme amounts of physical pain, having limbs ripped off or having bones completely crushed, being corroded by acid, and even resisting extremely painful headaches for prolonged periods of time. he can also hold his breath for longer intervals, like 2-3 hours, and always remain calm through any stressful or painful situations. Surge Navyheart can also tolerate extreme hunger, unbearable thirst and strong urges to sleep, being able stay active for 48 hours to 72 hours without food, water and sleep.
  9. Enhancement:Enhanced Recovery
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses the ability to recover faster than the average person, recovering from various negative effects at vastly enhanced speed.
  10. Enhancement:Enhanced Regeneration
    • Description: The traditional and usually most common level of regeneration. Injuries that can be healed in this category of regeneration would be fatal and unsurvivable for regular humans, such as disembowelment/evisceration, horizontal bisection, complete organ destruction, severe damage to the brain, spinal cord and nervous system, impalement etc.
  11. Enhancement:Enhanced Stamina
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possess an enhanced stamina, he's highly resistant to the lactic acid buildup in his muscles, allowing Surge Navyheart to be physically more active than peak humans being able to run 400 miles without breaking a sweat, he could also fight for days to weeks without any rest or signs of exhaustion.
  12. Enhancement:Enhanced Roar
    • Description: Surge Navyheart is able to shout so loud that he can blow away or break objects with his ferocious vocal cords which can cause vibrations. he may also be able to emit a roar strong enough to damage hearing, cause fear, or paralyzation. The force caused by the roar may even cancel out opposing attacks. It can also be used to alert someone of Surge Navyheart's location.
  13. Enhancement:Enhanced Agility
    • Description: Surge Navyheart with this ability can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort.
  14. Enhancement:Enhanced Dexterity
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can control their movements and muscles more precisely than those at the peak of his species, making him unable to be clumsy or fumbling. he can slip through a network of lasers, reach through dangerous narrow tunnels, keep perfect balance, or juggle effortlessly without ever tripping or wobbling. Surge Navyheart can even move his finger or toes effortlessly, with tendon strain no longer being a problem. Surge Navyheartcan only fall over when physically uprooted or pushed, though most times Surge Navyheart can land on their feet. Practiced users can stand up right on even the most unstable surfaces, such as a moving vehicle, a collapsing building, or an earthquake. he also are able to regain balance or bounce back to his feet quickly and perform feats such as shooting a gun, throwing a knife, or fighting at seemingly impossible angles and positions.
  15. Enhancement:Enhanced Accuracy
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can achieve complete and utter accuracy on distant targets, with the activity in his brain center for aim and accuracy drastically improved. he need only to aim for an instant before they can accurately hit a target with a projectile. Surge Navyheart can hit so flawlessly and at the most opportune moments in all the targeted areas of his target. Surge Navyheart can judge extremely long distances amazingly accurately, gauging the strength needed to launch a projectile, in order to hit a target accurately. If a target is moving Surge Navyheart can calculate the best method to hit the target. Visual obstructions like smoke and vegetation do not hinder his ability to get an accurate bead on their target, and his intense focus on whatever his targeting allows him to shut out outside distractions. he can compensate for environmental factors that would normally throw off his aims like wind, air resistance, gravity, and radiant heat (which distorts the image of the target).
  16. Enhancement:Enhanced Adroitness
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can precisely control his prehensile body parts, effectively manipulating any object, with grace, ease, strength, speed, precision, and skill.
  17. Enhancement:Enhanced Precision
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can achieve complete and utter precision on close targets, with the activity in his brain center for precision drastically improved. Surge Navyheart can slice, cut, stab, and so on flawlessly and at the most opportune moments in all the targeted areas of his target.
  18. Enhancement:Enhanced Motor Skills
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has perfect coordination and precision and can flawlessly perform physical tricks with both gross motor skills and fine motor skills, allowing him to do things such as do yo-yo tricks while doing tricking stunts or do things such as dance on a flipping vehicle in mid-air.
  19. Enhancement:Enhanced Walking
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can walk on any surface, (including air, water, walls/ceilings, etc.) effortlessly and with control, efficiency, precision, traction and balance at any speed.
  20. Enhancement:Enhanced Reflexes
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing him to dodge multiple bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to like high speed projectiles (e.g. sniper bullets) as well as react to a being with superhuman speed.
  21. Enhancement:Enhanced Catch
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has drastically enhanced catching strength and speed, allowing him to catch attacks like punches or projectiles. e.g sniper bullets and being with superhuman speed.
  22. Enhancement:Enhanced Speed
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can move faster than the peak members of his species, making it very difficult for one to be able to react to him. Surge Navyheart of this ability are also very resistant or even outright immune to the side effects of moving at such speeds. These effects include, but are not limited to, g-force, inertia, intense heat build-up, massive kinetic energy build-up, etc. he is capable of running 66-1235 km/h (41-768 MPH).
  23. Enhancement:Enhanced Running
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can run much faster than the average member of his species, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. Surge Navyheart is able to run at speed of 40-383 MPH (64-616 KPH)
  24. Enhancement:Enhanced Senses
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has extremely accurate senses, allowing him to see, hear, smell, taste and feel better than the best member of his species. On this level allows Surge Navyheart to perceive small objects, hear distant sounds at different frequencies, detect specific people, objects, substances, or places, locate their origin, and track targets by smelling. he can also automatically detect harmful and beneficial things by tasting and sense vibrations through solids, liquids, and air-pressure. Surge Navyheart is also highly resistant to illusion (depending on the level or scale) and can process information at such speeds that time appears to have slowed down, allowing him to perceive what would otherwise be too quick to see/hear and respond appropriately.
  25. Enhancement:Enhanced Strength
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has enhanced strength, enough to be able to lift 1 to 100 tons (2,205 to 220,500 pounds). Being able to carry out any offensive action with the force of a massive vehicle. Surge Navyheart can lift cars, trucks, buses, moderate to large sized rocks, tall trees and are often beyond the physical limits of humans at his maximum. Surge Navyheart can perform extremely powerful attacks and cause a lot of collateral damage such as destroying large bridges, buildings, heavy vehicles, large trees, and killing huge creatures that require military grade weapons, such as moderate explosives, with only his physical strength.
  26. Enhancement:Enhanced Strike
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses enhanced skills of strikes and attacks, defined in many different forms of combat, punches, kicks, weapon specialty, or use of other powers. he his attacks become stronger than normal means or circ*mstances.
  27. Enhancement:Enhanced Throwing
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possess enhanced skills to throw any sort of objects, from weapons to improvised objects, with inhuman accuracy, force, precision and speed.
  28. Enhancement:Enhanced Beauty
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possess a level of grace, physical beauty/handsomeness, sexual attractiveness, sense of style and social poise above what is normally achievable by humans. This is the level of beauty/handsomeness of a storybook princess or fairy-tale prince charming but is below the level found in goddesses of love and beauty, such as Aphrodite, or heavenly beings like angels and archangels.
  29. Enhancement:Enhanced Life-Force
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has enhanced life energy, which may augment their physical capabilities, grant enhanced stamina, enhanced health and regeneration abilities as well as using his energy for attacks and other things.
  30. Enhancement:Enhanced Mind
    • Description: Surge Navyheart's mental abilities, capabilities and attributes are above ordinary members of his species, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. This entails that they are more intelligent, intuitive, creative, charismatic, instinctive, wiser, and have a higher brain capacity and deductive ability than all other members of his species, such as for humans, without being supernatural.
  31. Enhancement: Enhanced Charisma
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has unnaturally high charisma, or charm, enabling him to gain the trust and loyalty of others and win them over to his cause. Surge Navyheart is special compared to other commonly charismatic figures as his charisma is innately formed and effective for even the most disagreeable entities and allows him to bring the whole groups of individuals to his aid.
  32. Enhancement:Enhanced Emotions
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has enhanced emotions, making it so that Surge Navyheart can feel emotions in ways others cannot, possibly making it so that his emotional powers, if he has any, are higher than they otherwise could be.
  33. Enhancement:Enhanced Intelligence
    • Description: Surge Navyheart with this power possess extreme levels of intellect, enabling him to memorize and calculate vast amounts of information with exceptional precision. he can handle and interpret vast amounts of information at a phenomenal speed, and use his mental capabilities to predict his enemies’ movements and attack trajectories with pure logic alone. he can also apply his intellect to various fields of knowledge, such as science, engineering, medicine, art, philosophy, etc. he can invent new technologies, devise ingenious strategies, solve complex problems, and create masterpieces with ease. he can also learn new skills and languages in a matter of minutes, and master them in a matter of hours. Surge Navyheart with this power are essentially living supercomputers, capable of performing feats that would be impossible for ordinary humans.
  34. Enhancement:Enhanced Inventing
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create various items with no flaws, much like Enhanced Craftsmanship. However, where forging mostly relies on raw material, this ability relies specifically on technological advancements. Surge Navyheart is capable of creating powerful scientific devices, gadgets, and weapons that are capable of mass destruction.
  35. Enhancement:Enhanced Preparedness
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses the ability to be aware of how to prevent certain possibilities or scenarios that other people would not consider. This is useful in defeating enemies since the user would be aware of the enemy's powers or abilities.
  36. Enhancement:Enhanced Tracking
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can track others down easily via various means, ranging from scents to footprints. With enough experience, Surge Navyheart can follow tracks that are days or even weeks old. Surge Navyheart may be able to reconstruct what has happened by sniffing around the area they are searching.
  37. Enhancement:Enhanced Wisdom
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses wisdom; a deep understanding and realization of concepts, common sense, people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgments, and actions while keeping these understandings, beyond the peak members of his species. It often requires control of one's emotional reactions (the "passions") so that universal principles, reasons, and knowledge prevail to determine one's actions.
  38. Enhancement:Enhanced Wits
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has enhanced wits, meaning he is quick on his feet, are very clever, able to adapt to new and changing situations, and is able to remain cool at all times. he is hard to surprise or impress, and he can think his way in and out of any situation by knowing what they need to do and how they need to do it and come up with ideas on the fly. he instantly and automatically analyze and understand any environment or situation, and deduce the most optimal course of action, allowing him to make the right decision in all situations. Wits deal with strategically thinking on one's feet and being cool and adaptable in any situation.
  39. Enhancement:Enhanced Potential
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has potential and ability to grow and learn beyond the level of normal members of his species, allowing him to learn and develop in a much shorter period of time than normal members of his species, and can even learn things that are physiologically more difficult for the normal members of his species.
  40. Enhancement:Enhanced Survivability
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can survive things that average members of his species cannot, allowing him to receive horrific and grievous injuries without dying.
  41. Enhancement:Enhanced Athleticism
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses athletic abilities that are beyond even the peak members of the human race, which means the Surge Navyheart possesses strength, speed, stamina, endurance, agility, balance, dexterity, reflexes, etc., that are beyond the level of peak humans in his respective universe. he may additionally possess advanced levels of explosiveness, power, and other various acrobatic/gymnastic abilities.
  42. Enhancement:Enhanced Combat Mastery
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses proficiency, capabilities and knowledge regarding general combat. Essentially, they would be extremely skilled in combat, beating the toughest of opponents or dozens of aggressors at once. Surge Navyheart would also be able to perform combat maneuvers and other stunts much more proficiently than the average person. he would be able to use his combat skills for both offense and defense and would also be able to utilize high-level combat techniques that would give him an edge over other combatants. Naturally, Surge Navyheart would also possess above average physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual attributes that would aid them or enable him to fight at an enhanced level.
  43. Enhancement:Enhanced Unarmed Combat Mastery
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possess mastery in unarmed combat/hand-to-hand combat greater than peak members of his species. Against other humans, he is extremely skilled, being able to outclass most opponents without the use of weapons, being able to take on multiple aggressors at once. Surge Navyheart usually possess knowledge that improves his overall fighting skills, specifically through training. he usually have vast knowledge on targeting vulnerable areas on another's body and how to execute it while in battle. In terms of defense, experts can usually counter most attacks with the bare hands, either by deflecting or parrying.
  44. Enhancement:Enhanced Defense
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses enhanced skills in terms of defenses and is skilled at defending himself, whether it be by blocking, parrying, dodging, or taking a hit without a scratch. he can literally defend against anything that may come his way.
  45. Enhancement:Enhanced Parkour Mastery
    • Description: Surge Navyheart is highly proficient in using parkour, which can be summed up as either acrobatics meets assault courses or skateboarding without a board. It is based on general principles of survival: Should one ever need to get from Point A to Point B as fast as possible, the shortest distance is always a straight line. The goal, therefore, is to get past, over, under, or through various obstacles without wasting any time.
  46. Enhancement:Enhanced Stealth
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses incredibly extensive knowledge and skill in many types and ways of stealth tactics, enabling him to easily slip in and out of areas undetected. his abilities in all manners of stealth are so refined he appear as mere illusions to those who have been lucky to spot Surge Navyheart. Surge Navyheart of this ability is highly skilled at stealth and can move throughout even the most guarded of areas and act in true discretion.
  47. Enhancement:Absolute Immortality
    • Description: Surge Navyheart is absolutely immortal, and cannot die, age, get sick, be permanently wounded, are absolutely self-sustained and, as his mind and soul are as immortal as his biological body, he is also immune to mental and spiritual damage or will always flawlessly recover from them. Any injuries Surge Navyheart suffers will immediately heal, even if Surge Navyheart's body is blown up, disintegrated or completely destroyed to the sub-atomic level and even if Surge Navyheart is completely erased, he will still return to life. Surge Navyheart is absolutely immune to all harm, and can never die from any causes. Either way, he is unerasable. Surge Navyheart completely transcend the concept of death itself, though many Surge Navyheart transcend both the concepts of life and death. Surge Navyheart's existence and soul become completely free and independent of even the concept of reality, making him unbound to the subjects of life & death. Surge Navyheart's existence is eternal to the point that he would not only continue to exist even after the end of time and all of existence, but would also remain completely unaffected and unchanged by it, essentially outliving time itself and everything else. Even if he is still subject to powers effects, he can never be slain by them: time manipulation can never bring him to a point that can end him, causality manipulation can never bring an effect that kills him, attempts at assimilating him will never be able to subsume him (and may run the risk of being subsumed by the immortal), and so on, regardless of any other affect he may have even at the meta level. Also, the power cannot be removed, erased, destroyed and manipulated by any means.
  48. Enhancement:Absolute Will
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has an absolute strength of will, which can be applied to achieve virtually anything through sheer force of intent. Surge Navyheart is completely immune to all forms of control, and possesses a complete and total freedom due to his willpower overriding anything put against him. Beings with immense willpower are capable of pushing themselves to, and then beyond, their limits through sheer force of will - Absolute Will takes this further, allowing Surge Navyheart to completely and perfectly transcend any and all limitations simply by willing himself to, going so far as to gain a complete and total control over himself, making his existence answer to his will alone.
  49. Enhancement:LimitlessStorage
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has an unlimited storage capacity and can store absolutely anything as well as manipulate everything that has something to do with storing, imprisoning, binding, sealing, etc. Surge Navyheart of this power can store anything or anyone without any limitations of any kind such as time, amount or mass.
  50. Enhancement:True Fear Inducement
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses the ability to instill absolute horror in anyone, regardless of thair power or abilities. Even those who are transcendent beings or possess traits like Apathy, Indomitable Courage, Indomitable Will, or Tranquil Fear are susceptible to this overwhelming sense of terror induced by Surge Navyheart.
  51. Enhancement:High-Speed Flight
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possess absolute and limitless flying speeds, surpassing light speed infinitely. he can traverse infinite distances in a finite time, exploring the entire multiverse and beyond in mere picoseconds. This ability allows him to experience countless events, worlds, and timelines effortlessly.
  52. Enhancement: Transcendent Immune System
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses an immune system that knows no limits or equal, enabling him to recover from virtually any poison, drug, contaminant, or disease. Furthermore, this power cannot be removed by any means, securing his invulnerability to such threats indefinitely.
  53. Enhancement: TranscendentCreativity
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has the ability to access and create new ideas (of inventions, artistic designs, craftsmanship, concepts, powers, etc.) that are limitless and boundless in numbers, diversity, and variety. Surge Navyheart's creativity is completely free from all restrictions such as experience, knowledge and intelligence, effectively being able to imagine something absolutely unique or what can't be explained by current concepts. Surge Navyheart's imagination transcends all conceptualizations altogether, and can freely conceptualize new ideas infinitely and eternally, essentially having an immeasurable number of ideasSurge Navyheart can make.
  54. Enhancement: Perfect Metabolism
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has a limitless metabolism, rendering him completely resistant to weight gain, illness, injury, intoxication, and absolute healing speed.
  55. Enhancement: True Swordsmanship
    • Description: Surge Navyheart's has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship, possessing proficiency, capabilities and knowledge in swords at a maximum and limitless level. he know everything about swords and how to wield him and surpass any and all masters of combat of any form, having complete knowledge of the forms whether he be unknown, nigh impossible to master, or forbidden and can also create his own forms of combat to throw off his enemies. his swordsmanship skill and proficiency are absolutely unparalleled, being unsurpassed by anything in existence. his sword wielding is godly in nature, each sword movement possessing otherworldly beauty. Surge Navyheart excel in melee attacks with swords on absolute levels. Surge Navyheart is able to perform counters, techniques and combination strikes with such skill, speed, and prowess that absolutely surpasses all other counterparts. Since the Surge Navyheart's combative prowess are absolute, he is able to pull off feats that are seemingly impossible for even the most skilled fighters that try to comprehend the Surge Navyheart's foreign skill.
  56. Enhancement: Accelerated Maturity
    • Description: Surge Navyheart matures faster than normal, both mentally, intellectually, and emotionally, granting him increased wisdom, intelligence, experience, and emotional control than that which is associated with his biological age.
  57. Enhancement: Thought Acceleration
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses extraordinary information processing capabilities, enabling rapid analysis and lightning-fast conclusions. Some wielders of this ability can even perceive and comprehend information within an accelerated time frame, experiencing and deciphering events and data at an exceptional speed beyond normal perception.
  58. Enhancement: Adaptive Learning
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can gather and instantly understand any knowledge/form of knowledge and adapt the knowledge, skills, powers, talents, etc, to suit his needs. Including learning a new talent/skill and adapting a way to use it despite being disabled/handicapped or a talent that allows one to read quickly could be changed to allow one to read quickly for several different books and subjects at the same time, and more.
  59. Enhancement: Emotional Intelligence
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses advanced emotional intelligence; ability to perceive, use, understand, manage, and handle emotions. People with high emotional intelligence can recognize his own emotions and those of others, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, and adjust emotions to adapt to environments.
  60. Enhancement: Vacuum Adaptation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can survive and adapt to the vacuum of space unaided and are able to withstand atmospheres (heat intensity and any poisonous chemical elements), cosmic media (radiation), strange gravity (even sometimes that of a black hole), and lack of air.
  61. Enhancement: Planetary Adaptation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart is able to adapt to the atmosphere, gravity, environment, temperature, composition, axis of rotation, and rotational and orbital speed of other planets.
  62. Enhancement:Aerial Adaptation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart is able to survive and adapt to extremely high or low air pressure (not becoming disoriented or deprived of the normal breathing capacity), and high wind friction; this is accompanied by an innate immunity to vertigo and/or fear of heights.
  63. Enhancement:Cloud Walking
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can stand and travel on vapor/clouds as if walking on the ground.
  64. Enhancement:Cloud Solidification
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can solidify or give solid-like properties to clouds with the level of solidity going from loose jelly to metal-like hardness or beyond.
  65. Enhancement: Self-Sustenance
    • Description: Surge Navyheart's physical needs are completely eliminated. These needs encompass air/breathing, sleep/rest, food, drink, bodily evacuations, shelter from environmental effects and their absence (heat/cold, dryness/wetness), etc. Additionally, Surge Navyheart can remain immobile without experiencing the usual effects.
  66. Enhancement: Sleeplessness
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has no need to sleep, allowing them to continue living through their lives without suffering health decline from sleep deprivation.
  67. Enhancement: Thermal-Immunity
    • Description: Surge Navyheart is immune to any/all changes in temperature, whether hot, cold, in between and even conceptual, omni and absolute temperatures, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects.
  68. Enhancement: Interbreeding
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has the ability to reproduce with other species and produce fertile offspring. Surge Navyheart can interbreed with virtually any species, producing Powerful hybrids that are close to being pure-blooded Galaxians or being close to being a speciesdue to his superior genes.
  69. Power:Information Analysis
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can scan anything and analyze the data and information that is gathered, including not just technological and digital subjects, but also subjects that are biological, chemical, etc.
  70. Power:Status Reading
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can read/view the complete status of anyone or anything, allowing them to see any/all powers/skills, stats, level, overall health, flaws, etc. the target possesses. They can also transfer that information to another medium so that anyone else, including the target, can view the information/status for himself.
  71. Enhancement: Interbreeding
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has the ability to reproduce with other species and produce fertile offspring. Surge Navyheart can interbreed with virtually any species, producing Powerful hybrids that are close to being pure-blooded Alicorns or being close to being a species due to his superior genes.
  72. Power: Supernatural Reproduction
    • Description: Surge Navyheart of this trait can supernaturally procreate with other entities; reproducing any common to completely unique beings with supernatural properties and powers that originated from them, having offspring brought forth by using supernatural methods or by natural reproduction with a partner.
  73. Power:Superior Breeding
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses various genetic traits that make him better than most others, brought about as the result of selective breeding. Said breeding can result from two beings with supernatural powers mating and producing an offspring, or the children being modified prior to birth.

Powers Category

  1. Power: Multiple Forms
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses a variety of forms which he can shift between them to unlock different abilities based on the nature of his selected forms each one resembling a different version of Surge Navyheart original form, as Surge Navyheart undergoes a powerful transformation to shift from one form to another. When changing forms Surge Navyheart can manifest a new status that fits the situation his in, by entering a new form Surge Navyheart can gain an entirely different physiology that can shift his given powers similar to that of the form his in.
  2. Power: Mode Switching
    • Description: Surge Navyheart of this ability is able to switch between two or more modes. A mode is a state that Surge Navyheart, or his equipment, may enter or switch between which provide different powers, abilities, talents, and sometimes even physiologies, to each other. Modes can be used to optimize the use of particular powers, or for optimal performance of particular tasks/scenarios. Mode switching may be accompanied by appearance alternation or changed form. Modes may also amplify aspects of a physiology or even activate latent aspects of a physiology, but he generally do not change a physiology from one to another. Surge Navyheart's personality may change as well.
  3. Power: Gender Transformation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can alter his own gender to male to Female and Female to male At will.
  4. Power: Transformation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses the ability to transform into superior, more powerful versions of himself. Sometimes, these transformations might only alter their appearance cosmetically, while in other instances, Surge Navyheart's entire body undergoes a complete alteration.
  5. Power: Transformation Skipping
    • Description: Surge Navyheart with Multiple Forms is able to transform to a higher level while directly skipping any intermediate phases.
  6. Power: Future Sight
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can perceive the future through various means, which can be broadly separated into two categories: Supernatural and Analytical. Surge Navyheart can only see into the immediate future, enabling him to fight with near flawlessness or completely nullify surprise attacks. On the other hand, he can see into the far future, effectively being Seers that can foresee outcomes of major decisions or the triggers to catastrophes and the like. Some are limited to predicting only a singular likely chain of events, while others can see many different possible outcomes, gathering information and finding the best paths to take by going through many different possibilities.
      • Variations for Future Sight that Surge Navyheart can use
      • Danger Detection: To see into the immediate future, Surge Navyheart also has the power to sense immediate danger with Future Sight.
      • Death Sense: To detect who was going to die and when His death will occur but may be able to prevent it.
      • Destiny Perception: To perceive destiny/fate.
      • Flash Precognition: To see things seconds or minutes before he happen.
      • Flawless Precognition: To flawlessly see the future with no mistakes.
      • Future Life Awareness: To be aware of one's future lives.
      • Instant Learning: To see and learn skills, abilities, knowledge and events that your future self learns, learning it far earlier than usual.
      • Intuitive Precognition: To intuitively know what will happen.
      • Life Perception: To perceive the flow of life-force in all living things, perceiving problems life-flow, the coming life and births of others, etc.
      • Prescient Reflexes: To have automatic reflexes which also inherently know and react to the future.
      • Probability Computation: To see the variables of any situation and predict any potential outcome of an event.
      • Probability Perception: To predict the outcome of events.
      • Subjective Precognition: To perceive future events based on Surge Navyheart or other decisions.
      • Xeno-Accelerated Probability: To predict the outcomes and choices other people could make.
  7. Power: Future Sight Bestowal
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can give others the power to see the future.
    • Limitations: May only be temporary.
  8. Power: Past Sight
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can discern the past and past events using various means, usually entering a trance while seeing and hearing a noted past event, whether it be concerning himself or of an unfamiliar lineage in a past occurrence. Surge Navyheart can recall any event that happened in the past, even obscure, intricate events. Occasionally spontaneous. This ability shows who did what at that particular time; similar to the psionic/extrasensory ability of Clairvoyance but only seeing anything from the past, despite not being there.
  9. Power: Past Sight Bestowal
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can give others the power to discern the past.
    • Limitations: May only be temporary.
  10. Power: Self Transcendence
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can transcend his being beyond his normal limitations, whether physically, mentally, existentially, etc. Leveling towards a new level of capacity beyond the surrounding environment. If one is to transcend one in itself, it would be truthfully illogical and therefore transcendent of it.
  11. Power: Hyperspace Travel
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can travel at speeds faster than speed of light, moving at such speed that it appears the traveler has moved from one spatial location to another instantly. This is achieved usually by moving along tachyons, particles faster than light or by bending two locations within space to temporarily join together, and "jumping" from point A to point B via that bend.
  12. Power: Teleportation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can teleport; moving instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between or transfer matter (beings/objects, including himself) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light-speed, warping the space, or use quantum superposition, in which Surge Navyheart teleports by spatially rearranging the subatomic contents of a system.
  13. Power: Cosmic Teleportation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can transport himself, others, and objects anywhere in the universe and can teleport massive objects such as planets, stars, and even galaxies, depending on his strength.
  14. Power: Instant Transmission
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can teleport instantly to any location as long as he can find an energy source to lock onto.
  15. Power: Mass Teleportation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can transport a large number of people, objects, or parts of the environment, often without requiring physical contact with all parties involved.
  16. Power:Cosmic Energy Manipulation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create, shape, manipulate and absorb the energies of planets, stars, quasars, voids, nebulas, galaxies or anything else related to the cosmos. Surge Navyheart might also be able to manipulate all other forms of energy that exist in the universe on a cosmic scale.
  17. Power:Cosmic Beam Emission
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can emit concentrated beams of cosmic energy with enough power to destroy entire planets and other varying effects.
    • Limitations: Surge Navyheartof Energy Absorption can nullify the beam and its effects.
  1. Power:Cosmic Blast
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can release cosmic energy/substances over a specific target area causing great damage and/or delivering great shock waves of pure force.
  2. Power:Cosmic Infusion
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can infuse objects (usually weapons), beings, or powers with cosmic energy, empowering and energizing them and allowing Surge Navyheart to manipulate their qualities and efficiency.
  3. Power:Stellarkinesis
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can manipulate stars, self-luminous celestial bodies consisting of super-heated gas held together by their gravity in which the outflow of energy balances the energy generated by nuclear reactions in the interior to the surface, and the inward-directed gravitational forces are balanced by the outward-directed gas and radiation pressures.
  4. Power:Stellar Attacks
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can release/use stellar energy/substances to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc., from huge rays of pure energy that can knock over or even obliterate dozens of targets, or slightly singe them.
  5. Power:Stellar Ball Projection
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create balls/spheres of stellar energy/substances of various levels of damage and size. These spheres can be projected, used as a part of melee attacks, orbit around Surge Navyheart, or ways of transportation.
  6. Power:Stellar Beam Emission
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create and project beams of stellar energy/substances of variable size and range, capable of destroying large structures and/or areas and greatly damaging anyone caught in the blast range.
  7. Power:Stellar Blast
    • Description: Surge Navyheartcan release stellar energy/substances over a specific target area causing great damage and/or delivering great shock waves of pure force.
  8. Power:Stellar Bolt Projection
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create and project bolts of stellar energy/substance and control the intensity/power of his projectiles, the bolts aren't weak but they aren't as powerful as a full powered attack. These bolts could be used to stun, burn, injure, or even penetrate/stab the enemy.
  9. Power:Stellar Energy Manipulation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create, shape and manipulate stellar energy generated by nuclear reactions in the star's interior, which in turn is balanced by the outflow of energy coming from the surface or a star.
  10. Power: Time Stopping
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can stop time while being unaffected himself, or may also allow others to be unaffected.
  11. Power: Time Reduction
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can slow time down to various degrees while being able to move normally, either slowing time for a certain target or affecting everything but Surge Navyheart. he can slow down opponents to avoid attacks and dampen movements.
  12. Power: Time Manipulation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can manipulate time in the general area or for a specific target in various ways, with the most basic of acts revolving around accelerating, slowing, stopping and even rewinding or looping time. The range of the affected area is proportional to the mastery of Surge Navyheart, with those at higher levels being able affect the entire space-time continuum.
  13. Power: Plasma Manipulation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create, shape and manipulate plasma, a state of matter consisting of fully ionized gas of low density containing an approximately equal number of positive ions and electrons. It is important to note that although he are unbound, these particles are not ‘free’. When the charges move, he generate electrical currents with magnetic fields, and as a result, he are affected by each other’s fields.
  14. Power: Plasma Attacks
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can release/use plasma to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.
  15. Power: Plasma Beam Emission
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create and project concentrated beams of highly ionized gas called plasma.
  16. Power: Plasma Blast
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can release plasma over a specific target area causing great damage and/or delivering great shock waves of pure force.
  17. Power: Plasma Infusion
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with plasma, a superheated gas that is known as the fourth state of matter, empowering and energizing him and allowing Surge Navyheart to manipulate His qualities and efficiency.
  18. Power: Plasma Generation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can generate plasma in some or all its forms; fire, electricity, etc.
  19. Power: Electrokinesis
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons). As an elemental power, electricity manipulation is very simple and straightforward accompanied with a near-limitless myriad of uses. Most commonly, Surge Navyheart would be able to discharge large amounts of electricity in order to shock his opponents, potentially paralyzing them, burning them, or even stopping His hearts in severe cases. Beware accidentally harming allies if Surge Navyheart's control over electricity is not precise enough. Surge Navyheart would also be able to summon lightning bolts, while even stronger Surge Navyheart can manipulate it within the skies, or even create thunderstorms at will. Even if His opponent is resistant to electricity, the immense heat generated from lightning traveling through the sky, which is around 6 times hotter than the surface of the sun, will definitely pose a threat to him.
    • Limitations: Users of Electricity Resistance are highly resistant and users of Electrical Immunity are not affected. May have to find electrical sources of power in order to recharge.
  1. Power: Electrical Conversion
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can absorb electrical energy and convert it to any type of energy and vice versa meaning to absorb any type of energy and turn it into one of the basic energies known as electricity.
  2. Power: Electrokinetic Attacks
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can release/use electricity to attack in various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.
  3. Power: Electrokinetic Beam Emission
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can produce and project beams of concentrated electricity, which can shock or cause electrocution, pierce through almost anything, or create destructive explosions upon impact. Unlike simple electrical blasts, these beams do not flicker, but instead travel in a straight line at high speed; he can also flow like water, allowing him to be guided.
  4. Power: Healing Kiss
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can heal other's physical and mental damage with a kiss.
  5. Power: Healing Tears
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has tears that can heal any wound it touches. he can heal any living being including people, ponies, animals, plants, etc. If the healing properties in the tears are potent enough, Surge Navyheart can cure poison and diseases and even revive the dead by crying on him.
  6. Power: Paralyzation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can immobilize the target completely or partially, causing them to be left without movement and sensation. Making motor functions and muscle movement unavailable, the victim may freeze on the spot or crumple to the ground.
      • Limitations for paralyzation
        • The effect will always wear off eventually.
  7. Power: Weapon Summoning
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can summon his Starheart Sword
  8. Power: Pocket Dimension Creation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create a pocket dimension, a small personalspace, complete with its own environment or world in which Surge Navyheart has absolute control over its aspects.
  9. Power: Super Eating
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can eat massive quantities of food at once to no ill effect, this can extend into versions of Matter Ingestion. This power can be very useful, especially for those that possess an abnormal nature. Because of this, the nutritional intake needs of Surge Navyheart may be a great deal higher than that of normal, requiring more food in order to keep his strength up.
  10. Power: Matter Ingestion
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can eat any substance without harmful effects, regardless of what he consumes. he can consume matter in any form - solid, liquid or gas.
  11. Power: Interstellar Travel
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can travel across interstellar/intergalactic distances through various means, with his own power.
  12. Power: Imprisonment Realm Creation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create a realm in which it imprisons others, including Surge Navyheart if he wish so, or is dragged in. Escaping said realm can be exceedingly difficult for the prisoner.
  13. Power: Limb Regrowth
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can regrow any limb of oneself and others that was separated from their body. This includes arms and legs, as well as other appendages such as tails.
  14. Power: Omni-Purification
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can purify anything & everything, including natural forces, abstract/conceptual properties, people, himself with dark hearts and souls, users of Corruption Inducement, even things that by the definition, immune to or shouldn't even be able to be purified (such as infernal entities or demonic powers) would be affected, and etc.
      Due to the nature of the purification/purifying influence, all attempts at corrupting the target would either fail or lead to an eternal stalemate.
  15. Power: Infinite Energy Absorption
    • Description: Surge Navyheart's body is capable of containing an infinite amount of any kind of energy, he can absorb as much as he wants. This can allow Surge Navyheart the energy required to use other superhuman abilities, survive long amounts of time without food, or output energy for long periods of time.
  16. Power: Infinite Electricity Absorption
    • Description: Surge Navyheart's body is capable of containing an infinite amount of electricity, he can absorb as much as he wants.
  17. Power: Omni Restoration
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can restore literally anything/everything back to its natural/original state with absolutely no flaws or mistakes in the process, regardless of how badly destroyed the target is. he can undo powers that can be otherwise apocalyptic, reverse altered effects, restore destroyed souls, resurrect, and heal any and all types of damage be it mental, conceptual, emotional, spiritual, mystical, and physical.
  18. Power: Infinite Wish
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can make any absolute and perfect wishes for Himself and others without any limitations. he can even make vague or inconceivable wishes come true no matter what, as his power always makes the wishes come out the exact way the wisher intended and desired. Surge Navyheart is simply able to fulfill any wish absolutely and perfectly; instantly or delayed depending on when and how the wish is desired by Surge Navyheart, but is always granted and always without any loopholes, twists or the price that usually comes with having a wish granted. he can easily grant an unlimited number of wishes without any rules, restrictions or conditions, except for the ones he set himself. The wishes offered are limitless, granting anyone their deepest desires and manifesting them as ideally as possible. From altering the past to wipe unwanted events from existence, to creating unique beings and entities as their friends, and making any item appear out of nowhere at any location. It is always within the Surge Navyheart's capabilities to make any wish a reality. Surge Navyheart can do more than just grant wishes, he can also control and manipulate any and all kinds of wishes he desires even the wishes of others, being able to negate and influence any wish regardless of what it may be.
  19. Power: Absolute Banishment
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can banish any and every kind of object or entity, with any traits and abilities of any level from anywhere/everywhere. he can banish them to other dimensions, realities, timelines, points in time, etc., possibly even from the omniverse to a location outside existence altogether. Anything from abilities, traits, people, animals, properties, objects and even gods and everything else in-between can be affected by this power.
  20. Power: Absolute Contract
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create and enforce any type of contract/pact with absolutely anything, even with himself; dictating every condition therein, including qualifiers in the event one-or-more of the parties would - or even could - somehow break the contract/pact. The conditions imposed by the contract/pact are absolute; and will always, inevitably, come to pass, no matter the conditions so dictated. The contract/pact cannot be negated, nullified or undone by any exterior force or being, save by Surge Navyheart.
  21. Power: Omni Shield Construction
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can construct shields and shield-like objects that protect against everything.
  22. Power: True Swordsmanship
    • Description: Surge Navyheart's has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship, possessing proficiency, capabilities and knowledge in swords at a maximum and limitless level. he know everything about swords and how to wield him and surpass any and all masters of combat of any form, having complete knowledge of the forms whether he be unknown, nigh impossible to master, or forbidden and can also create his own forms of combat to throw off his enemies. his swordsmanship skill and proficiency are absolutely unparalleled, being unsurpassed by anything in existence. his sword wielding is godly in nature, each sword movement possessing otherworldly beauty. Surge Navyheart excel in melee attacks with swords on absolute levels. Surge Navyheart is able to perform counters, techniques and combination strikes with such skill, speed, and prowess that absolutely surpasses all other counterparts. Since the Surge Navyheart's combative prowess are absolute, he is able to pull off feats that are seemingly impossible for even the most skilled fighters that try to comprehend the Surge Navyheart's foreign skill.
  23. Power: True Resurrection
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses the ability to resurrect others without any limitations, irrespective of their prior state or condition. Whether erased, destroyed, disintegrated, nonexistent, removed, denied, negated or in any other state; Surge Navyheart can perform mass resurrections flawlessly, bringing back targets in absolute and perfect form every time; without fail.
  24. Power: Mind Reading
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can sense the thoughts of other people, usually hearing them like ordinary speech but possibly by other senses such as sight. Usually, Surge Navyheart sense the surface thoughts (including other mental communications), but he can also learn to push farther into the subconscious and memories.
  25. Power: Visual Mind Reading
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can see the thoughts of other people as images, allowing him not only receive information from, but also can see it as if he had been present at these events.
  26. Power: Visual Memory Reading
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can see the memories of other people as images, allowing him not only receive information from, but also can psychically access perfect memory of every vision he have seen as if he had been present at these events.
  27. Power: Memory Reading
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can read the target's memory to learn His history, discover lost memories and help the person remember, learn a memory that the target is unaware of, but could be useful. etc.
  28. Power: Memory Projection
    • Description: Surge Navyheart is able to project the memories of oneself and others, either directly into the minds and senses of others, as holographic images, or display them on surfaces such as screens as well as inside reflections.
  29. Power:Meta Teleportation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can teleport absolutely anything to literally anywhere: any place and time he desires, including physical locations such as: in a locked room, in space, a planet, a galaxy or a universe as well as metaphysical locations such as: in Heaven, in Hell, inside a dream, inside a heart, inside thoughts, and even inside people or yourself. This power also allows its Surge Navyheart to teleport concepts into the mental world, like memories and thoughts, and bring anything into reality.
  30. Power:Meta Time Travel
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can travel and/or send others not only to the future or past, but to past and future universes/timelines that were recreated/yet to be recreated before the universe/timeline Surge Navyheart resides in, as well as the ability to travel to currently existing alternate universes and higher dimensions. This literally allows for travelling through a cycle of destroyed and recreated universes/timelines, as well as alternate realities/dimensions and even the moments between the creation and destruction of multiverses or omniverses.
  31. Power:Dimensional Transformation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart transforms into a different form from his usual one whenever he travels to different dimensions. The transformation may be related to the dimension he travels into, and changes is a complete transformation depending on the target and the dimension in question.
  32. Power:Astral Projection
    • Description: Surge Navyheartcan project or separate his awareness, consciousness, presence or spirit, alternatively known as his astral form, from his material body, allowing for perception, interaction and travelindependent of mental or physical limitation. This state is usually achieved through entering a trance via lucid dreaming or deep meditation, with Surge Navyheart gaining access or influence over the mental and astral planes, as well as potentially other planes of existence, an effect which can extend far enough to allow Surge Navyheart to move and exist outside the limits of space and time using his astral form. Experienced individuals may be able to control both his astral and corporeal presences, allowing him to project his astral selve without losing consciousness in his physical forms, with Surge Navyheart’s projection acting as an extension of his physical self. Additionally, Surge Navyheart may be able to separate others from their physical forms to either travel alongside them or to imprison them in an incorporeal state.
  33. Power:Afterlife Traveling
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can travel between the living world and the land of the dead, freely and safely navigating both the life and afterlife side and any adjacent dimensions connecting the two.
  34. Power:Dimensional Travel
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can travel between different dimensions and universes, and cross over different planes of existence or travel across various forms of reality.
  35. Power:Book Jumping
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can transport himself into any kind of book, whether or not the stories in them are real. he can either assume the roles of certain characters, an observer, or himself while in the story.
  36. Power:Fiction Travel
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can transport himself into any kind of fiction, traveling to works within such fiction. he can either assume the roles of certain characters, an observer, or himself while in the fiction.
  37. Power:Alternate Reality Traveling
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can travel to other possible worlds that can or could've happened from the endless abyss of alternate outcomes and continuities, being able to taste how dissimilar those probable worlds are to his own. Consequently, one might take interest in one or a couple worlds and may create a permanent stay.
  38. Power:Personal Pocket Dimension
    • Description: Surge Navyheart possesses his own pocket dimension or dimensions. This unique space, almost entirely inaccessible except to Surge Navyheart, operates under its own set of natural and/or supernatural laws. Surge Navyheart can alter its nature and contents according to his wishes. Though normally used as a place of containment or even evasion, the pocket dimension can be used for any number of techniques based on its Surge Navyheart’s needs.
  39. Power:Pocket Dimension Creation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create a pocket dimension, a small personalspace, complete with its own environment or world in which Surge Navyheart has absolute control over its aspects.

Creation-Based Powers That Surge Navyheart can use

  1. Creation-Based Power: Building Creation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart is able to plan, design and create buildings/structures of various sizes and types and from differing substances, from anything/everything, including matter/energy, power, concepts, etc.
  2. Creation-Based Power: Building Destruction
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can easily destroy buildings which are structures with roofs and walls regardless of its size. Usually done by brute force or can be done supernaturally as well.
  3. Creation-Based Power: Dimension Creation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create dimensions and nearly anything within the dimension (objects, creatures, etc.) and travel to them by creating a portal or just by wishing.
  4. Creation-Based Power: Dimension Destruction
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can destroy entire dimensions regardless of its size.
  5. Creation-Based Power: Form Creation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create new forms for himself, and potentially giving him new appearances, skills, abilities, identities, personalities and other attributes.
  6. Creation-Based Power: Furniture Creation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart is able to create furniture including tables, beds, bookcases, chairs, desks, stands, etc. This can be used to decorate a whole room or just create something to sit on or put objects on when needed.
  7. Creation-Based Power: Medicine Creation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create or generate different kinds of medicine including ointments, tablets, elixirs, serums, cream, powders, etc. out of thin air, by transforming other matter, or by using materials in the environment. These medicines could be used to cure numerous amounts of illnesses or prevent illnesses to occur and used for healing and pain suppressant.
  8. Creation-Based Power: Potion Creation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create potions: substances with magical properties such as enhancing physical and mental abilities, healing, granting powers, changing shape, or bewitching someone, depending on the kind of potion that is made.
      • Applications for Potion Creation That emerald hunter can use
        • Through magic infusion (depending on the verse) the effects of the potions are listed but are not limited to:
          • Create healing potions.
            • Cure diseases.
            • Cure venom/poison.
            • Speed up healing process.
            • Create potions to augment someone's power.
            • Create potions that grant invisibility.
            • Create potions that can enhance one's natural abilities.
            • Make all kinds of concoctions from different ingredients.
            • Make a sleeping potion.
            • Make a love potion.
            • Make potions that can change one's appearance.
            • Make potions that can grant special abilities.
            • Make powders that induce various effects.
            • Ordinary Ponies may be able to concoct magical potions.
            • Potions can also be amplified for greater effect.
  9. Creation-Based Power: Binding Creation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create bindings that are capable of imprisoning, paralyzing or otherwise stopping targets from moving normally or freezing them where they are.
  10. Creation-Based Power: Afterimage Creation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create images of Himself by various means, including moving at incredible speeds or through illusion.
  11. Creation-Based Power: City Creation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can create a city either from nothing or by shaping existing environment to the form he wants.

Abilities Category

  1. Ability: Eye/Semi-Transformation
    • Description: (Navy blue Eyes): if Surge is feeling greatly angered or annoyed, and stressed or flustered making his sclera turn black and making his neon green Iris's glowing navy blue And with navy blue aura emitting from his eyes. Surge can glow his eyes at will, especially when intimidating opponents or to enhance his vision, Surge's navy blue eyes are not just for intimidation. they also beautiful like stars in the Galaxy.
  2. Ability: Penance Stare
    • Description: the Penance Stare is a supernatural ability that incapacitates victims and is only performed by Surge Navyheart. When in close combat or not, Surge Navyheart locks eyes with his opponent and induces self-mortification by imposing him or her or them every negative actions, behavior and sensation, and sins to the pain of others that individual has ever committed in their lifetime.
  3. Ability:Night Vision
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has excellent night vision, the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness.
  4. Ability: Ghostly Roar
    • Description: Surge's most powerful ability is to generate an extremely powerful sonic blast of pure Magic-energy from his mouth that can destroy buildings and cause severe damage to opponents alike and finish them who are too weak to withstand it. It is also effective against multiple targets, or against a very powerful enemy, and almost nothing can withstand this attack. It appeared to finish off all of his enemies. Surge can generate an extremely powerful sonic scream, with a moaning ghost-like horse sound. This power is so strong that it causes terrible pain to targets and damage tangible matter, and cause earthquakes.
  5. Ability: Magic Sense
    • Description: When Surge is near other strong opponents and danger, a blue mist comes out of his mouth and a chill goes down his spine.
  6. Ability: Duplication
    • Description: Surge can create duplicates of himself that all have his powers and can fight alongside him. when Surge is finished with the Clones he gets all the Clones and merge them back into him.
  7. Ability: Quick Learning Ability
    • Description: Surge is able to quickly learn new things, even often being able to copy many of the powers his enemies use against him without any training.
  8. Ability: Fusion
    • Description: This power, when activated, allows him to simultaneously merge with another ponies or other individuals and species at once, giving him access to their powers. Surge can fuse with others, turning into single unit. he can also combine his and Other participants physical attributes, abilities, and powers together to form a new being that is stronger, faster, smarter, and more powerful than he were alone.
  9. Power: Infinite Wish
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can make any absolute and perfect wishes for Himself and others without any limitations. he can even make vague or inconceivable wishes come true no matter what, as his power always makes the wishes come out the exact way the wisher intended and desired. Surge Navyheart is simply able to fulfill any wish absolutely and perfectly; instantly or delayed depending on when and how the wish is desired by Surge Navyheart, but is always granted and always without any loopholes, twists or the price that usually comes with having a wish granted. he can easily grant an unlimited number of wishes without any rules, restrictions or conditions, except for the ones he set himself. The wishes offered are limitless, granting anyone their deepest desires and manifesting them as ideally as possible. From altering the past to wipe unwanted events from existence, to creating unique beings and entities as their friends, and making any item appear out of nowhere at any location. It is always within the Surge Navyheart's capabilities to make any wish a reality. Surge Navyheart can do more than just grant wishes, he can also control and manipulate any and all kinds of wishes he desires even the wishes of others, being able to negate and influence any wish regardless of what it may be.
  10. Ability: Universal Translation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can genuinely flawlessly speak, write, read, understand and communicate in any and every language, including computer codes, dead languages, extinct languages, the universal language of mathematics and music, languages that have never been heard before, sign language (even lip-reading), illegible words, and backwards speech and writing with little or no training. Surge Navyheart may even communicate with non-human animals or read body language.
  11. Ability: Automatic Translation
    • Description: Surge Navyheart has the ability to understand, decipher and translate any written and typed language into Surge Navyheart's own native tongue, or through subliminal intuition of what by physical communication means.
  12. Ability: Divine Communication
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can communicate with and call upon his patron deities indirectly or otherwise via various ways. This often extends to speaking holy/divine languages fluently.
  13. Ability: Alien Communication
    • Description: Surge Navyheart can speak, write, understand and communicate in alien languages, including writing, with little or no training.
  14. Ability: Animal Communication
    • Description: Surge Navyheart is able to understand the speech or emotions of animal life forms. This ability is quite uncommon and multifaceted. The use of Animal Communication is sometimes imagined as imitating animal sounds, like the barking of a dog. Zoolinguists are normally shown using his abilities in his native language, in an animal-language (like Parseltongue or Mangani), or even mentally without any spoken words. Surge Navyheart is able to understand animals in every imaginable way, which results in enormous knowledge and foreseeability of his actions.
  15. Ability: Information Transferal
    • Description: Surge Navyheart transfers information into another person's mind. This is particularly useful in reconnaissance missions or tests, since Surge Navyheart can send information regarding miscellaneous data, he can transfer even images and symbols to the person. Surge Navyheart can help others with answering questions and even in undercover operations, possessing knowledge of certain people. Surge Navyheart can help his allies navigate where to go by transferring "maps" into their heads. The data that Surge Navyheart can transfer also includes the knowledge of certain superpowers and secrets to techniques.


  1. Alcohol Immunity: Surge Navyheart is immune to the effects of alcohol he can tolerate extreme amounts of it without notable effects. This includes direct nullification, speed of recovery from insobriety and resistance to the development of alcoholism.
  2. Blunt Force Immunity: Surge Navyheart is completely immune to any kind of damage from blunt force attacks, such as punches and kicks.
  3. Chaos Immunity: Surge Navyheart is immune to anything that can be considered chaotic, including all chaotic influences, activities, beings and essences.
  4. Control Immunity: Surge Navyheart is immune to any and all forms of control and subordination manipulation, along with that Surge is also immune to being possessed as well.
  5. Curse Immunity: Surge Navyheart is immune to all or certain curses and effects, although indirect curses can still affect the Surge
  6. Electrical Immunity: Surge Navyheart is immune to electricity and lightning, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects. Surge simply cannot be paralyzed through electrical elements. he can touch electrical outlets, and not be fatally shocked to death. Lightning could shock him, yet it would be nothing more than a tickle to him. Since they'd be as immune to electricity as pure rubber. Surge Navyheart could even use electrical equipment in or around water, and not worry about being electrocuted.
  7. Fear Immunity: Surge Navyheart is immune to fear of any kind, Surge has no fear, and is unable to feel any sort of fear, terror, or even any intense anxiety. Surge can think clearly, continue to move, and generally function in situations where the fear would disable a normal person. Surge Navyheart can act in perfect clarity and calmness even under the most extreme kinds of horrors or traumatic experiences.
  8. Acceleration Immunity: Surge Navyheart is unharmed by the various effects of rapid acceleration, including air resistance, inability to breathe, dynamic shock resulting from contact with objects at high speed, etc. This can be used inside or outside a vehicle.
  9. Stellar Immunity: Surge Navyheart is immune to stellar energy and stars, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects.

Magic Abilities that Surge Navyheart can use

  1. Magic Ability: Magic Empowerment
  2. Description: Surge Navyheart becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when he come in contact with his own and/or somebody else’s magic, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers.

Magic Ability: Magical TeleportationDescription: Surge Navyheart can teleport via magic/magical energy, either utilizing transportation spells or transforming into magical energy and appearing in a new location.Magic Ability: Magic TranscendenceDescription: Surge Navyheart possesses abilities beyond the laws and scope of magic, resulting in Surge Navyheart being of unfathomable power and capable of incredible feats; their powers are inexplicable to any form of magic and seemingly accomplish completely illogical/irrational actions/effects to it, while also being immune to any and all magical problems. The potential effects are innumerable in possibilities, as they can perform any able miracle with very little exposition as to how it is done. The scope of this power can range from slight nudges to brutal disruptions in scale.Magic Ability: Magic CombatDescription: Surge Navyheart is able to infuse magic with physical attacks, using magical energies to blast away, hex opponents, and strengthen attacks.Magic Ability: Magic AdaptationDescription: Surge Navyheart can survive/adapt to any form of magic and magical environment, making him able to negate magic/effects that magic could have that would affect him.Magic Ability: Magic AugmentationDescription: Surge Navyheart can enhance powers, effects and objects that originate from magic, including magical objects/items, potions, spells, magical creatures, ley lines, etc.Magic Ability: Magic InfusionDescription: Surge Navyheart can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with magic, empowering and energizing him and allowing Surge to manipulate his qualities and efficiency, allowing a vast variety of effects/spells to be used through the object.Magic Ability: Magical Energy AbsorptionDescription: Surge Navyheart can absorb magical energy into his body and use it to fuel either his own magic or some other enhancement. This can render Surge functionally immune to magic if he's capable of absorbing incoming magical effects, otherwise he may be capable of preventing other magic Surge Navyheart and objects from producing magical effects by robbing them of their power source. Not to be confused with Absorption Magic, which is the ability to use magic to create absorption effects.Magic Ability: Magical RegenerationDescription: Surge Navyheart is able to use magic to regenerate his body, with the amount of magic used defining the speed of healing.Magic Ability: Imagination MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart can utilize a form of magic that involves his imagination. Surge can create all sorts of things, even going to so far as to warp reality.Magic Ability: Banishment MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart is capable of wielding magic related to banishment, allowing him to use spells or magical power to exile entities to certain locations.Magic Ability: Building MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart has the ability to use magic that revolves around building things and can build anything with ease from anything. The materials can be normal, magical or even conceptual. he can create things like magical architecture, Magitek, mystical gadgets, etc.Magic Ability: Creation MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart can utilize magic to create anything out of certain materials or magical energy, in any shape or form even with any kind of materials or even entities.Magic Ability: Plasma MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart is able use a form of magic that allows Surge Navyheart to manipulate plasma and cast magical spells related to magicMagic Ability: Portal MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart is able to perform a form of magic that allows him to utilize portals, either magically manipulating them or using them to cast spells.Magic Ability: Teleportation MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart is able to perform a form of magic that allows him to utilize teleportation, either magically manipulating it or using it to cast spells.Magic Ability: Time MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart is able to perform/cast a rare variety of magic spells and feats that manipulates time itself to a degree.Magic Ability: Spell CreationDescription: Surge Navyheart is capable of creating brand-new spells and using him, sometimes on the fly. Surge can combine two or more spells together to create a new spell that is similar.
Magic Ability: Barrier MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart is capable of using a form of magic that creates mystical defensive measures. The spells cast can absorb, deflect and/or outright halt attacks aimed at Surge Navyheart. he may even be used as a means of trapping opponents.Magic Ability: Powerful Healing MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart can use magic to heal others or himself. Its efficiency depends on the amount of magic being used or the level of mastery of Surge Navyheart.Magic Ability: Destruction MagicDescription: The power to use magic born from the concept of destruction itself; Destruction Magic is capable of being moulded into almost any Destructive attack so long as Surge Navyheart's strength matches what he wants to cause, in some cases not even having that stop him. The level of power can range from simple explosive attacks, destroying inanimate objects, disintegration of bodies, or even destruction of concepts on a high level. At true perfection, Surge Navyheart could theoretically destroy anything and everything, causing a Totality Collapse.Magic Ability: Dimension MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart is able to perform a type of magic that can control geometric settings (dimensions) and/or manipulate the amount of space in a particular object/place.Magic Ability: Fertility MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart is able use a form of magic that allows him to cast spells dealing with Fertility and Reproduction. he can make land, living beings and plants fertile, allowing them to reproduce or grow, or make them infertile, making them unable to reproduce or grow.Magic Ability: Magical TeleportationDescription: Surge Navyheart can teleport via magic/magical energy, either utilizing transportation spells or transforming into magical energy and appearing in a new location.Magic Ability: Magic Portal CreationDescription: Surge Navyheart can create portals using magic/magical energy, either by using spells or channeling mystic energy.Magic Ability: Spell AttacksDescription: Surge Navyheart can release/use spells for attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc., from huge rays of pure spell power that can knock over or even obliterate dozens of targets, or slightly singe them.Magic Ability: Magical Beam EmissionDescription: Surge Navyheart can create a potent beam composed of concentrated magical energy, which can be used offensively as blasts of energy or as by casting a spell on a target.Magic Ability: Powerful Electricity MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart is able use a form of magic that allows him to manipulate electricity and cast magical spells related to lightning. Surge Navyheart often also gain access to esoteric lightning.Magic Ability: Powerful Restoration MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart can utilize a form of magic that returns injured or damaged living/non-living targets to their optimal state such as infusing life energy into a living being in order to heal it or giving it back its vitality or restoring life in the environment, such as forests or animal life, reconstructing ruins or destroyed buildings, etc.Magic Ability: Balance MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart can utilize the balancing act of Chaos and Order, hence, Balance, dealing with the opposing concepts and aspects dealing with the cosmic order of the universe through magic. Surge Navyheart must weight between the dichotomy of structure and disarray, light and dark, war and peace, being careful as not to fully tip the scales.Magic Ability: Conceptual MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart possesses conceptual magic; a a powerful magic that’s intricately tied to concepts himself, granting him the power to bring about a myriad of metaphysical effects through spellcasting.
This extraordinary talent allows him to cast spells that are not rooted in traditional elemental or arcane magic but instead draw from the fundamental abstracts of existence. he can harness these abstract concepts as a wellspring of mystic energy to shape reality in extraordinary ways. For example, he might conjure spells based on concepts like time, space, love, or even more abstract notions like justice or chaos. Each of these spells would manifest in ways directly related to the chosen concept, potentially bending the fabric of reality itself. Beyond this, Surge Navyheart's connection to these abstracts grants him access to inherently mystical power within the paradigms that define our understanding of the world. This could mean that he can tap into the deep, hidden forces that govern the laws of existence, altering these laws in profound and astounding ways. Such an ability might allow him to do things like reversing time, creating pocket dimensions, or fundamentally shifting the nature of reality as we know it.
Magic Ability: Divine-Demonic MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart is capable of wielding a special form of magic that combines godly and demonic forces.Magic Ability: Ethereal MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart is able to tap in to the ethereal and otherworldly energy to create magic. Some say this could be the origin of magic, a primordial force where all the mystical, supernatural and/or esoteric forces come from.Magic Ability: Life and Death MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart can utilize a form of magic that controls both life and death, allowing for feats like giving life and causing death.Magic Ability: Meta MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart has meta magic; a powerful form of magic that transcends the laws in which all magic is governed by. This very powerful magic can not only bestow grand variety magical and even supernatural abilities to Surge Navyheart but can also grants endless forms of magics that empowers both Surge Navyheart & his abilities to higher levels over all things magical as he can rule over any to all magic that’s form his world and beyond, making masters of all magic with the potential to do anything.Magic Ability: Quantum MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart can twist the rules of science and magic around in order to manipulate the forces of reality to a near infinite degree. Where the physical portion of quantum physics may lack, or are ill defined in, the pataphysical extent fills in and broadens its otherwise unexplored horizons. Through usage of Quantum Magic, a practitioner is able to exploit both the natural and supernatural forces of the meta structure to infinite degrees, giving Surge Navyheart all but unlimited possibilities to work around with.Magic Ability: Light-Shadow MagicDescription: Surge Navyheart is able to perform a form of magic that allows him to utilize the light-shadow element (light with shadow properties, shadow with light properties or both simultaneously), either magically manipulating it or using it to cast spells.Magic Ability: White-Dark ArtsDescription: Surge Navyheart can utilize both White Arts and Dark Arts, either separately or combining them into one, allowing him to either magically manipulate light and dark forces or use them to cast spells. Surge Navyheart is equally skilled in both arts, enabling him to easily switch between beneficial or malefic magic depending on what the situation needs.

Surge Navyheart on (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.