Jimmy x Cindy relationship develops - Chapter 1 - Xpro (2024)

Chapter Text

Cindy Vortex went to Jimmy's club. She finally wanted to ask him out on a date after hesitating for two weeks. Libby also convinced her every time, and here she was knocking on the door. She knew that the only way to enter his laboratory was through the Vox scanner, but it was known among the five friends that DNA Jimmy is the only one who can enter

"Hey! Neutron, open the door, I know you're here" Since they officially became a couple two weeks ago, they were just flirting at school, but then Jimmy acted like an idiot and spent most of his time in his lab, and this made Cindy worry. She loved Jimmy's inventions and his genius, which is why she loved him, but she wished that his obsession with science would decrease a little, because that made him spend most of his day in his lab.

"Neudtron!, stop ignoring me, open the door now" She screamed and knocked on the door hard.

Jimmy was focusing on his most important and newest inventions, which is why he didn't pay any attention to Cindy, except at school.

Jimmy's voice came out of the Vox machine saying "Okay, just stop yelling, come in, Cindy"

"And How, genius?" Cindy spoke annoyed

Jimmy sighed and said "It's very simple, just pull a strand of your hair and place it on the Vox scanner"

Cindy was really upset and pulled out a strand of her hair and put it on the Vox scanner "Welcome, Cindy Vortex"

Cindy was shocked because she thought that Jimmy was joking with her, but no, the Vox scanner really welcomed her. She was ready for a hole to appear underneath and slide through that scary tube, but no, the door just opened and she walked forward. She saw a ladder and knew that it led to the laboratory. She went down it and saw the genius focusing on His great invention.

Cindy asked as she walked towards him still in shock "I...um...did you add my DNA into your system but why?"

"Why?, you can come in anytime you want to come here, but I haven't added our friends' DNA to our system, just you and me" Jimmy answered indifferently, still focusing on his invention

Cindy's eyes suddenly lit up and She was happy that he trusted her now "Jimmy, did you say our system? I...I thought you didn't want me in your lab"

Jimmy finally turned to her and began scratching the back of his neck "I...I don't know...Never mind, then what do you want?"

"Jimmy, I wanted to tell you that I...um...hey!, you are tall" Cindy now noticed that he was the same height as her, which surprised her.

"huh..is that all? ....what do you really want?"

"Well Libby's been busy these days..um..I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I have a lot to accomplish. Can we postpone that for later?" Jimmy answered, scratching his hair

"Jimmy!!" She shouted at him, scowling, He now knows that Cindy loves him so much that she gets angry when he rejects her request and sighs in defeat.

"You know, Cindy, I'll do anything to make you stop screaming. Okay, just give me a minute" He took off his lab coat in a dramatic manner, grabbed a pen and paper, wrote a short letter, and combed his hair, causing Cindy to stare at him in amazement.

"Thanks Jimmy It's good that you understand" She said as she grabbed his hand, which made Jimmy smile at her shyly and they left the lab. They were staring at each other to the point that Jimmy had forgotten something really important. This girl had become more important than his lab.

Jimmy and Cindy decide to go to the local science museum. Even though they are rivals, they love science very much. At the museum, they explore the different exhibits, and Jimmy enthusiastically explains the science behind each display. Cindy of old She would get angry because he was bragging about himself, but since he allowed her to explain some of the displays at the museum, which made it fair for them, Cindy was happy that he was now relying on her instead of himself while She enjoyed teasing him. Jimmy was lightly teased, but he knew she was just kidding him. Their interactions are a mixture of laughter, fun, and genuine interest in each other's thoughts and feelings.

Sheen knocked on the door of his friend's house. There was no response. He learned that Jimmy spent most of his time in his laboratory. He went to the club and found the door open. Yes, the genius had forgotten something important because of his girlfriend Cindy.

"Hello!.." Shin came down the stairs and entered the lab "Hey Jimmy....This is really cool, soon the new season of the series Ultra Lord will finally be shown. What about you, are you excited?...................Jimmy?" He called his friend as he walked around his laboratory and then thought-This is strange?...If Jimmy wasn't here, how could he leave his club door open?..His eyes fell on Jimmy's new invention covered in a blue robe and there was a message.

Sheen read the message "Sheen, do not look under this blanket. J.N"

The message seems to be directed to me. What if it's a gift for my next birthday? I can't wait. I'll see...Sheen thought stupidly, then he pulled the cloak and it turned out to be a rocket. He decided to take a look at it from the inside. He found a distinctive button. He curiously wanted to know what that button did. He pressed it and the rocket was launched into space. And... Sheen ended up lost in space to a distant planet.

Jimmy and Cindy were sharing a large ice cream cone and having a quiet, romantic conversation as they continued to explore the beautiful space museum. They were talking about their dreams. Jimmy told her that he wanted to become a great inventor and join NASA. Cindy had different dreams but when Jimmy told her to be his partner Genius. This was a rare part of Jimmy Neutron. Cindy gasped happily and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She wanted to live the rest of her life without being away from him.In fact, if all the boys in the world had offered her marriage, she would have chosen Jimmy without a moment's thought.

Jimmy told her about his new invention. She wanted to never miss his new space adventure. There was a store for suits and everything related to space. She took his hand and asked her Boyfriend to wait for her while she went into the dressing room. Jimmy was bored, but After she showed up his eyes widened because Cindy was wearing an attractive space suit. 5 Double the purple suit she wore the last time they went to Mars. Jimmy thought Wow, how sexy you are, Cindy...hey there you go again trying to make me look like a crazy puppy...ok it's my turnHe asked Cindy to wait for him, which seemed really strange to her

after minutes "Hey...Cindy look at this" Jimmy also wore the same space suit as Cindy, but the men's space suit was red with some blue and yellow sides.

Cindy was about to faint staring at him with hearts Oh..James....You...you look amazing.....I never thought you would improve your appearance for me

Jimmy smiled at her proudly, wanting to make Cindy stare at him like a geek like she did to him.

Libby had just finished her chores and was going to write new music. It was her favorite hobby, but she chose to spend some time with her boyfriend, Sheen. She went to his house, but his parents told her that he was not home. Then she went to Carl's house and he told her that he was not with him. He could be with Jimmy.

Jimmy became a bit more confident and more interested in her, causing Cindy to become more overtly affectionate, smiling and touching his arm lightly as they walked to a quiet spot under a large, shady tree. They spread out the blanket and sat down, the air filled with a mixture of excitement and nervous energy. While eating, they remember every moment when they were rivals and arguing and this made them laugh at each other. They realize how silly they were at that time and are happy that they are together now. Conversations flow easily, and there are moments of comfortable silence as they enjoy each other's company. As the sun begins to go down, they walk hand in hand to the nearby botanical garden. The garden is lush and vibrant, with flowers in full bloom. They wander through the paths, stopping to admire the beautiful flowers and exotic plants. The peaceful atmosphere and fragrant air create a romantic atmosphere. Thanks to his girlfriend Cindy, Jimmy began to realize how miserable his life was when he spent most of his time locked in his laboratory. He felt like he was born again. After finding a secluded bench in a quiet corner of the park, they sat down together. The conversation becomes more personal when they share their thoughts and feelings. Jimmy, feeling a surge of courage, tells Cindy how much he enjoys spending time with her and how important she is to him. Cindy, blushing, admits that she feels the same way about him.

"Jimmy tell me why I can't believe we're now uh..." Cindy said, looking away, smiling, and then Jimmy interrupted her

"Honestly, even I can't believe it either, maybe because it's so rare that enemies love each other in the end" Jimmy looked away and laughed lightly

"uh, Yeah (nervous laugh) Everyone who knew we were rivals will feel weird when they find out that we're now in a relationship that I think we should keep..." Cindy

"secret?...I agree...we should just pretend we still hate each other when someone is around" Jimmy

They both could no longer bear to wait. They gathered their courage and began to stare dreamily into their eyes. They slowly approached and did not close their eyes until their lips collided. They sank into a deep kiss for 20 seconds, playing with their tongues. They slowly broke away from the kiss and smiled at each other brightly. They seemed to be getting used to the kissing between them, then suddenly they heard the voice of a girl coming in their direction, clearly panting. She was running.

"uh..Libbys..Are you okay" Cindy

Libby walked over to Jimmy and grabbed his shirt "Don't say he's not with you too.....Do you guys know how long I've been looking for him?"

"Who?" Jimmy asked confused

"Your friend Ultra Lord, where the hell is he?"

"Sheen, he's not with me. Did you ask Carl?"

Libby replied annoyed "I did as I also asked everyone who knew him and they were of no use. There was no trace of him, tell me, why the door of your club is open, are you not afraid of being robbed?"

"Wait!....w..what?" Then he stared at Cindy confused.

"Don't be a fool, Neutron, I've been with you since the last time you left your lab" Cindy

"I searched for it in your lab and did not find it, but it seems that you were actually robbed because I saw a blue robe thrown on the ground with a message addressed to Sheen, tell me what is happening here?" Libby

"Whaaat!!!..." Jimmy screamed so loudly that all the birds and butterflies fled the place.

Jimmy, Cindy, and Libby ran. They made their way to the lab. Carl was eating pie in his yard. “What's going on? Wait for me, guys.” He stood up, stumbled, and then stood up to run after them.

"Great....here we are, even on our first date your problems don't end" Cindy was upset as they ran and Carl ran after them panting.

"My problems?... Don't I have the right to check on my lab... before something else is stolen... (He shouted) He stole my latest invention, Cindy"

"It's not my fault you left your club door open" Cindy argued

"oh really?, okey you're right it's my fault but you know what, I'll be more careful not to get distracted next time" Jimmy argued.

"Guys, I can't even keep up with you in running, so how can I when you're screaming?" Carl runs after them

They arrive at a club and then go down the stairs. Carl arrives a little late and finds the gang staring in shock

Carl asked, trying to catch his breath "What's going on?...Haven't you found Sheen yet?" Jimmy was kneeling, holding that dirty blue robe, staring at the letter lying on the ground. There were signs and black vapor indicating that some idiot had launched his new spacecraft to an unknown location.

"Oh...No" Jimmy said in a voice that was almost a whisper. Cindy walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder

"Neutron, I know you put a lot of effort into your new invention, but can we pretend like nothing happened? What were you originally after? You'd better avoid those aliens. We're tired of exposing you to danger and threats to destroy the Earth"

"Are you kidding me? How can I conclude two weeks of wasted effort with a sweet, trivial sentence?" He got up and shouted at her as if he had never done that before. She frowned and did not say anything. He had every right to be angry, and for a moment he remained silent and apologized quietly "I'm sorry, just imagine yourself in my place... Damn it, I won't repeat all that sweat and effort. I canceled it. Well, maybe we will both feel comfortable, but inside, my heart is still eating me up for all the wasted effort"

"Jimmy, calm down, who among us is foolish enough not to understand why you're angry? But can you help me look for Sheen? I think this is more important"

"Only when I find out who got their hands on the new spaceship, will I kill him" Jimmy muttered angrily, gritting his teeth, which made Cindy worried. She was used to seeing Jimmy angry, but not to the point where he would threaten to kill anyone.

"I'm tired, I'll go home" Cindy decides to leave, but turns to give Jimmy a sad smile before heading up the stairs.

"Do you think it was Sheen who......." Libby quietly then Jimmy cut her off

"I don't think it's Sheen, as he sometimes can't even ride a bike, let alone operate a complex spacecraft"

Jimmy, Libby, and Carl decided to search for Sheen all over Retroville, but nothing was found. No trace of him could be found. It was late and Jimmy returned to his house. He fell on his bed and from extreme fatigue fell asleep after only 3 minutes.

  • Libby's house - her bedroom

Libby's phone rang several times until she finally decided to answer


Cindy "Hey..Libby, how about we hang out a little and spend time like usual friends... I thought about looking for an alternative to Neutron where we can make fun of him and make jokes, for example, Butch, he deserves that, (She laughed)That little idiot needs someone to really discipline him. Anyway, How are you?"

"Cindy, I'm not feeling well and very tired. Can we postpone the conversation for tomorrow?" Libby answered as she lay on her bed exhausted.

"Haven't found Sheen yet?" Cindy heard Libby sigh and knew that Sheen was still missing.

"Did you now ask again his parents or any of his relatives?" Cindy asked confused

"I did, but I'm surprised they didn't seem too worried. Is it usual for Sheen to be away from home for so long?"

"Don't worry, I'm 90% sure we'll find him at the new Ultra Dork showroom tomorrow" Cindy tried to reassure her

"Cindy!, this is not the time for jokes. I'm really worried about him" Libby

"Sorry.....Libby, do you like this guy that much? I mean he...." Cindy

"He may be obsessed with his show, but I actually find this boy very cute...at least I didn't deny my crush on him like you did with Jimmy, shy girl" Libby joked a little

"Come on, Libby, it's hard to be in a relationship with a guy you made fun of for two years...but I'm glad we're really together now"

"You're lucky because he has the same feelings for you. I don't know what you would do if he really hated you"

"Please stop, just thinking about this idea makes me feel so sad"

"Just nonsense. Don't take it seriously. Remember that he confessed to you that he loves you......................(She sighed)At least he is close to you. How would you feel if he was missing like Sheen?"

"huh? I don't know, I'm strong and I can handle his disappearance for months" Cindy

"Oh, really?, I still remember that you only cried because he was angry with you for a few days, okey I am really tired now we will talk tomorrow" Libby

"Yeah, see you tomorrow....Good night"

"Good night, Cindy"


All this month, police cars filled the entire Retroville, or much more. The picture of Sheen Estevez was hanging almost everywhere, some of them were even blown away by the wind. They announced him in schools and everywhere, and of course his family and relatives searched for him and cried for him throughout the month, and everyone did everything. They did everything in their power to find him, until unfortunately they were tired and gave up. All they had left was the hope that he would appear one day. Everyone's efforts were in vain because Sheen wasn't even on Earth. So no one had the idea that Sheen was in space, spending his days having comedic adventures with aliens on a planet called "Zeenu", Of course, Sheen tried to return to Earth, but he could not. A month had passed. He would not spend the rest of his life stuck with aliens, and he would really find a solution to return to his homeland (We'll know later).

for everyone who wants to know how Sheen spent his adventures on Planet Zeenu, watch 26 episodes of the Planet Sheen series, although I advise you not to. XD

The four friends were sitting in the Candy Bar in silence for a few minutes. The days were passing strangely without Sheen. They missed him, Jimmy and Carl, especially Libby, even Cindy, although he was annoying sometimes and would not stop talking about Ultra Lord.

Carl broke the silence and spoke sadly "Guys, can I just say I miss him so much"

"We all miss Sheen, don't we, Cindy?" Jimmy replied as he looked at Cindy next to him and she nodded yes

Tears rolled down Libby's cheeks and she said softly "Where are you, Sheen?" Her friends looked at her shocked, and Cindy began to calm her down.

"I'm sorry Libby, I really hope we find him one day" Cindy said sadly, trying to wipe away her friend's tears.

"I don't understand" Jimmy spoke to himself in a state of confusion, thinking about his friend and how he disappeared.each lost in their own thoughts about Sheen's mysterious disappearance. The usually lively hangout spot felt subdued, a stark contrast to the group's usual animated discussions.

Jimmy leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, and sighed deeply "I don't understand how Sheen could just vanish like that," he said, frustration evident in his voice. "We searched everywhere. It doesn't make sense"

Carl, staring at his half-eaten sundae, nodded in agreement "Yeah, and it's not like Sheen to miss out on things like Ultra Lord marathons or hanging out with us. I just hope he's okay"

Libby wiped away her tears with a tissue Cindy handed her "I've asked everyone we know, and no one has seen him. His parents are devastated. I can't shake this feeling that something terrible might have happened"

Cindy, always the pragmatic one, tried to keep a hopeful tone "Do we have to search for him all over the world? That would be crazy—Jimmy, you said there was a message for Sheen in your lab, right? Do you think it has any clues about where he might have gone?"

Jimmy rubbed his temples, trying to piece together the puzzle "The message was just a warning for him not to look under the blanket, My invention—the spaceship—it was missing too. reasonable? Did he launch himself into space?"

They finished their desserts and left the Candy Bar. They agreed to meet again later and parted ways. Jimmy was on his way to his laboratory to investigate the disappearance of his spacecraft and its related with Sheen.

Jimmy whispered to himself "If Sheen launched himself into space, I think I would use my watch to go back in time to confirm and..."

the sky turned purple with a hint of red, even though it was the middle of the day. Jimmy scratched the back of his head and when he looked up at the sky it was a shock. The ground shook as a giant crack formed in the sky and widened. There were dark scenes inside it that seemed to be from another dimension. Jimmy was just trying to keep his balance from falling again and staring helplessly at the disaster.

Suddenly, from the crack, something strange with a black aura and a mixture of red color came out and fell to the ground like a comet.

Jimmy muttered to himself terrified "Oh great! what now?" Slowly, the rift began to close and the portal disappeared. Yes, it was from a similar dimension. Jimmy stared at the aura a few feet in front of him "Oh my God, what the hell is this?"

And because of the aura and light emanating from him, Before his figure even appeared, a voice filled with evil spoke.

voice "Never in my life will I know that I will finally be able to get here"

Jimmy asked horrified "Who are you? Show yourself"

He laughed evilly and responded "Did I not promise you that I would come back and take revenge?" Then his features finally appeared. He was a boy the same height as Jimmy, and he was wearing the same clothes as him, except for some torn parts, and his hair was brown, but in a sinister hairstyle.

Jimmy took a step back when his counterpart gave him an evil smile "You.....but........ how?"

"I'm sorry you thought I was joking. Did you think I would let you continue your life without getting my revenge?" Evil Jimmy appeared, but his aura was still so frightening that not even a fool would dare approach him

Jimmy " Oh, hey there, Evil . I see you found the door marked "Evil Clones with Inferiority Complexes"

Evil Jimmy "Ha, very funny. I'm here to talk about revenge, Neutron. You've meddled in my plans for the last time"

Jimmy replied sarcastically "Oh no, your "plans." Let me guess, world domination? Or are you just trying to get the best table at Retroville's Candy Bar?"

Evil Jimmy "Joking as much as you want, but this time I have a surprise for you that you never expected"

Jimmy "Really? Because the last time, your "unexpected" plan involved a rubber duck and a garden hose. Impressive"

Evil Jimmy "this is different! I have mastered a device that will make me possess a dangerous ability"

Jimmy "Oh, so you've finally figured out how to use a karaoke machine?"

Evil Jimmy "Neutron. You'll be bowing to me soon enough"

Jimmy "Sure, Evil Jimmy. I'll be sure to practice my curtsey"

Without warning, Evil Jimmy lunged at Jimmy, and the two clashed. They grappled, their identical forms mirroring each other’s moves.

Evil Jimmy managed to get a hold of Jimmy's arm, twisting it. "I warn you, no matter how genius you think you are, you will not be able to fight what awaits you"

Jimmy winced but managed to counter, breaking free and pushing Evil Jimmy away. "Oh, I’m sorry, did you want me to pretend that hurt?"

Evil Jimmy growled, "You always think you're so clever, Neutron"

"Well, I do have a brain the size of a planet," Jimmy responded, dodging another attack.

A dark aura suddenly ignites in Evil Jimmy's hands, shocking Jimmy. “Ooow, it's a shame you don't have Real power”

Jimmy raised an eyebrow, "Real power? You mean like your fashion sense? Because that could definitely use some work"

With a growl "Ha I mean, your intelligence level is too low to reach the myth that awakens destructive power, you fool" Evil Jimmy hurled a bolt of dark energy at Jimmy, who barely managed to dodge. The energy blast left a smoking crater where Jimmy had been standing.

Jimmy said sarcastically, trying to control his temper "Nice try, but I've avoided worse than Cindy having a bad hair day, Dammit, where do you get that power?"

"sorry, it's too late to beg for mercy, Neutron" the evil Jimmy growled. "I'm just getting started" He fired another series of dark energy blasts, each more powerful than the last

Jimmy weaved and dribbled, using his surroundings to his advantage "Not even in your dreams"

Evil Jimmy’s eyes glowed with fury as he gathered a massive ball of dark energy. "Let's see if your sarcasm can save you from this!"

Jimmy was terrified and muttered to himself, "A force like this could destroy the entire Retroville. this is bad" He jumped into the air, narrowly avoiding the dark energy ball as it collided and formed a large explosion that created a huge crater.

Evil Jimmy, enraged, rushed at Jimmy with a dark energy-infused punch. Jimmy sidestepped and countered with a swift kick, knocking Evil Jimmy off balance.

Jimmy chuckled, "Guess I really am my own worst enemy"

“sh*t!” Evil Jimmy exploded in anger and shot lasers from his burning eyes at Jimmy, who was jumping and flipping to avoid them. This situation continued while Evil Jimmy was gathering great power with both hands. After a minute, he suddenly unleashed that force on Jimmy “Take this!”

Jimmy used his watch and a transparent circular shield appeared around him, protecting him, but evil Jimmy was still pumping that power and dragging Jimmy back. Evil Jimmy "Ha-ha-ha-ha, your silly armor won't last long" Jimmy pushed back hard and thought...he's right, I don't know how much longer I can take this, Oh, no... Evil Jimmy "Die now, Neutron!" Jimmy pushed more and more until the armor began to crack, and Jimmy had no chance to survive. Fortunately for him, Evil Jimmy's strength had run out, but this caused a huge final explosion between Jimmy and Evil Jimmy.

They were both now in a miserable state. After more than a minute, the evil Jimmy tried to stand up, panting heavily, slowly approaching Jimmy, who was unconscious.

That explosion caused great damage to both of them. Evil Jimmy was weak and could barely speak "Get up, I won't let you sleep" Evil Jimmy stood, still panting hard, next to Jimmy, lying on the ground "Ha I was going to use you for my plan anyway, so don't die" Evil Jimmy kicked him so hard that Jimmy was thrown a little far and crashed into a tree. Strangely enough, Jimmy woke up screaming in a pathetic state. Evil Jimmy couldn't help but laugh hard. He prepared for the most important part of his plan and approached him "What a naive person you are, Neutron. You always work hard on your invention, and then you are criticized in your face by almost everyone and you remain silent. If I were in your place, I would eliminate everyone who underestimates my value"

Jimmy was still screaming in pain and could barely speak "This is because I don't want them to throw me in prison, you crazy"

Evil Jimmy keeps getting closer "You know, I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life in prison in exchange for that dirty blonde girl's life"

Jimmy was confused, still groaning in pain and panting "What! You mean Cindy?"

Evil Jimmy arrived and delivered a humiliating slap to Jimmy, who was completely weak and unable to even move "And who do you think, you fool? Instead of making her pay the price for all those insults and sarcasm she threw at you, you allowed her to be your girlfriend!?. Ugh, you make me sick"

Jimmy "I know she was very mean to me but she had her reasons, don't interfere in my affairs and How did you know Cindy was being mean to me?"

Evil Jimmy slapped him again and answered "How did I know? This is because I am you before you separated me from you. I remember well the voice of that f*cking girl and how she was mocking all the time"

Jimmy spoke still panting "So then, that explains why you're such a evil kid, just an immature girl who created an evil and spiteful side of me. What's next?"

Evil Jimmy expression a mix of anger and satisfaction. "I'm the part of you that you tried to bury, the anger and resentment you felt every time Vortex mocked you, every time the world laughed at your inventions. and What's next?, Listen to me Neutron, we can merge again but leave it to me to take control, I'll make them all pay"

Jimmy, struggling to his feet, his body aching from the fight, looked at his darker self with a mixture of fear and realization. "So, you're the part of me that I never wanted to acknowledge, the side that wanted revenge instead of understanding"

“Exactly” sneered the evil Jimmy. “I know that your naivety and compassion prevent you from getting all your rights and respect. It’s up to me, to merge with you again, so we can make them all suffer”

Jimmy's eyes widened as he understood the full extent of Evil Jimmy's plan "No!,stay away, I won't let you control me!"

Evil Jimmy laughed sadly. “You have no choice. You are weak and I am strong. Together, the world will know who Ultimate Jimmy Neutron is.” A red and black aura formed around Evil Jimmy and he became slightly transparent “Get ready to become whole again, Jimmy”

"NOW!" Evil Jimmy screamed with all his might, completely transforming into dark energy, floating towards him and He crashed into Jimmy's chest and began to merge like a soul returning to a dead body. They merged and Jimmy felt the dark aura around him now and the pain and he started screaming and struggled to resist and he felt Evil Jimmy inside him start to take control him.

Jimmy's eyes glowed and the evil Jimmy spoke to him internally "Embrace the anger and hatred. Let it give you strength. Together, we will get revenge"

As the dark energy began to envelop Jimmy, he felt the anger and bitterness he had suppressed for so long begin to emerge. But then, a vision of Cindy, her smile, her laughter, and the way she stood by him in the end appeared in his mind. With a final wave of willpower, he tried to fight himself and expel the evil Jimmy from his body. This state of screaming and writhing continued and at that moment Carl was on his way to the store or something but froze in place in terror when his eyes fell on his friend.

Jimmy's eyes glowed with a dark aura as he struggled to resist. Memories of his friends flashed before his eyes: Cindy's smile, Carl's loyalty, and even Sheen's antics. A deep sorrow filled him as he realized he might never see them again. "I'm sorry I couldn't find you, Sheen" he whispered, tears streaming down his face. With a final flash, Jimmy fell to the ground, panting madly. Carl tried to get closer but he didn't know what to do. He was terrified.

Evil Jimmy's laughter echoed through Jimmy's mind as their bodies fused into one. When Jimmy opened his eyes again, they burned with a sinister red light. His voice, now tainted with malice, spoke, "It's over. I'm in control now"

Carl took a step back, horrified by the transformation. "Jimmy, no!"

Jimmy—or what was left of him—laughed evilly, a chilling sound that resonated with pure darkness. "Say goodbye to the old Jimmy, Carl. He's gone for good!"

This scene captures the emotional struggle, the ultimate surrender, and the transformation of Jimmy into a being controlled by his darker self, blending elements of sadness, regret, and the final overpowering of the good by the evil within him.

"Carl"— Jimmy's voice was now a chilling mix of his own and Evil Jimmy's "You should have stayed away"

Carl trembled, taking a step back. "J..Jimmy! are you in your right mind, you look like you came out of a horror movie, just tell me you're okay"

Jimmy "I'm fine. Go from here or suffer the consequences" Carl slowly stepped back "Now!!" Suddenly Carl ran away in terror, leaving Jimmy alone with the dust of all that fighting.

After dealing with Carl, Jimmy turned his attention to the rest of Retroville. He remained silent, disinterested and lost in his thoughts. Suddenly he heard laughter behind him.

Butch mocked "Neutron, are you still crying over your lost friend? How about I buy you some candy and the best ice cream? (Laughter) So be it, he's just an idiot who can't stop talking about his favorite child show" Butch kept laughing so hard that he didn't notice Jimmy walking up to him and standing in his face.

Butch mocked "What? Will the brain boy start crying again?" Jimmy just stared at him, completely unaffected by the mockery, until Butch began to feel confused "Huh?, is your mind messed up or something?, speak up" Jimmy continued to stare at him and then suddenly smiled a creepy smile "are you s-i-c-k" And in less than a second Jimmy threw a powerful punch to Butch's stomach as if Jimmy had learned lessons in fighting like Cindy or better.

Butch spat out a large amount, bent over, clutching his stomach and writhing in pain. Jimmy just remained silent, staring at him impassively.

Butch struggled to lift his head up and stared at Jimmy in confusion "Fool——how—how dare you?" Jimmy grabbed Butch by the shirt to help him stand up and then without warning, threw a punch to the jaw so hard that Butch spit out a large amount of saliva, lost two teeth, and was flung away then slamming into a wall, unconscious, with blood pouring from his nose and mouth. Jimmy couldn't help but laugh and wanted to take a simple walk, this was just the beginning.

Jimmy took a deep breath as he walked through Retroville, he saw Nick Dean, his old friend turned accidental rival.

"Hey, Neutron!" Nick called out, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Heard you've been through some rough times lately" Jimmy just remained silent and gave Nick a dirty look.

Before Nick could respond, a group of boys, led by naughty boy, approached them. They began to laugh and point fingers at Jimmy.

"Look who it is, the brainiac who's always getting into trouble!" one of the boys jeered. "What's the matter, Jimmy? Your inventions not working out for you?"

naughty boy interjects "Neutron, any good inventions today? I'm excited to add this to your list of failed inventions"

Jimmy felt the darkness within him stir, and he welcomed it. He glanced at Nick, who looked uncomfortable, sensing something was off. The taunts continued, and Jimmy decided it was time to show them exactly who they were dealing with.

With a slow, deliberate movement, Jimmy approached the boy, his voice low and threatening “You know, man, there’s something you need to understand”

The boys stopped laughing, and focused their full attention on Jimmy. Naughty boy tried to hide his annoyance with a boast. “Yeah? What is it, Neutron?”

In a flash, Jimmy pulled out a small device from his pocket—designed to emit a high-frequency sound that caused intense discomfort without permanent damage. He activated it, directing it towards Naughty boy and his friends. Instantly, the boys clutched their heads, groaning in pain as the high-pitched noise filled their ears. Nick stared at Jimmy in shock, realizing just how far his friend had changed.

"Ahh Stop it, Jimmy!" Nick shouted "What are you doing?" Jimmy deactivated the device, watching with satisfaction as the boys stumbled away, their tough facades shattered. He turned to Nick, his expression icy.

"Consider this a warning, Nick," Jimmy said, his voice devoid of any warmth "Stay out of my way, and you won't get hurt."

Nick took a step back, fear clear in his eyes. “what happened to you?”

Jimmy laughed evilly, the sound sending a shiver down Nick’s spine. “I said if anyone tried to stand up to me I'd make them wish they'd kept their mouth shut, bye Nickyramy”

Without another word, Jimmy walked away, leaving Nick and the boys to recover. He felt a twisted sense of satisfaction. The darkness within him was powerful, and he was no longer afraid to use it. As he moved through Retroville, he knew that anyone who dared to cross him would face the consequences. The old Jimmy Neutron was gone—replaced by someone far more dangerous.

  • to be continued..
Jimmy x Cindy relationship develops - Chapter 1 - Xpro (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.