The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius: Season 3, Episode 6 script (2024)

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Gotta Blast!

♪ From here to the stars,
Fueled by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

( gasps )

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song ♪

( screams )

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

Captioning sponsored

Notice that despite
his struggling,

he remains outside my
zone of vulnerability

Okay, thanks.

( screams )

For our next lesson...

That's absolutely

Nobody cares
what you think,

you can see it.

No, you can't.

Would you keep it down?

I'm teaching
future bullies over here.

I'm telling you,
you can't see the equator.

Just in unpopulated areas
like the Pacific Ocean.

Wrong! The equator
is invisible,

and so is your brain.

My head doesn't need
its own time zone.

Why do you have to go there?

( arguing continues )

All this arguing is
making me tense.

Just a little longer,

Our adventure should start
any minute.

What adventure?

You'll see.

You can see the equator
in the Pacific Ocean.

I'll have to take you there
to prove it.

To the hover car.

What? I'm happy.

( engine whirring )

I only have
enough fun fuel
for a few hours,

so we'll keep
the humiliation short.

Okay, I'll just demand
an apology

instead of
a grovel.

Okay, I meant
your humiliation.

( arguing continues )

What's wrong,

Is anyone else
getting tired

of Jimmy and Cindy's
love-hate thing?

What do you mean?

The way they argue to mask
their true feelings.

Hey, hold up.

You mean when they argue

that means they
love each other?

So when Jimmy says

he hates when I sneeze
on his experiments,

he loves it?

When Cindy says

she'd love me to stay
100 feet away from her,

she wants me to stand
next to her?

You know what?

Forget I mentioned it.

I'm so going
to prove you wrong.

If I was ever wrong,
I'd admit it.

That would make me
right-- right?

There, the equator.

There's nothing
down there--
can we go?

Okay, wait.

There's something
over there.

Yeah, right,
give it up.

Afraid to look
and see that I'm right?

Fine, let me put on
the autopilot.

Okay, where?

Right there.

That's the sun's

No, not there.

Move your head,
it's casting a shadow.

Careful, you guys.

That's a school
of tuna.

No, not there-- there.

Right over there.


( all gasp )

( both screaming )

Oh, no!

Stop the hover car.

I can't, it's on autopilot.

Well, take it off.

I'll save you guys.

So high...

( retching )

So very high.

( thud )

It's no use--

we're stuck
on autopilot.

What do we do?


Follow the sound of my voice.

♪ You can't stop the funk ♪

♪ Your mama can't stop
the funk ♪

♪ Unh-unh ♪

♪ Your brother can't stop
the funk... ♪

♪ Unh ♪

♪ Your congressman can't
stop the funk. ♪


I like your song,

I know, you're right, Carl.

I'm afraid it's... hopeless.

No-- I won't give up.

Did Lewis and Clark give up?

Did Charles Lindbergh give up?

Did Saul Hoffnitz give up?

Who's Saul Hoffnitz?

I give up.

The point is,
I'm not going back to Retroville

without Jimmy and Cindy.

I'm going to turn off
that autopilot

if I have to tear out every
piece of equipment in here.

( all screaming )


( all screaming )

( straining )


Quiet, you!


I said, be quiet!

Burglar, step away
from the vehicle.

( all screaming )

( Sheen laughing maniacally )

( both moaning, coughing )

We made it, Cindy--
we're alive.

Not for long--
my mom's going
to murder me

because I ditched

Oh, great, look at
these clothes.

The salt water's already
fading the colors.

I don't think
you understand.

Oh, no!

My piano lesson--
If I'm not back by 4:30,

I'm in big trouble.

Listen to me.

We're on an uncharted island

in the middle
of the Pacific Ocean

and the only people
who know we're here

are flying away from us
at 100 miles per hour.

We may never be found.

( all screaming )

There, I disabled
the autopilot.

We have our
steering back.

Wow, I didn't know

you knew anything about
electrical engineering.

I don't.

While yanking out
those wires

I found the autopilot's
off button.

So now we go back
and save Jimmy.

And Cindy.

As soon as we turn...

That way.
That way.
That way.


Uh... one, two, three.

That way.
That way.
That way.

Want to try best
four out of seven?

Great, unbelievable.

Of all the people
to be stranded with,

I end up
with you.

Well, you wouldn't
crack my top ten.

I'd rather be stranded
with Attila The Hun.

I'd rather be stranded
with Crazy Louie.

He could open coconuts
with his tooth.

Like you'd last here
without my science skills.

The ones that got us
into this mess?

If you feel that way,
maybe we should make
separate camps.

Well, maybe we should.



I got us into this mess?

She'll be begging for my help
before sundown.

Ow! Ooh! Ooh!

( dreamily ):
I accept your nomination
as Mayor of Donkeytown.

( laughing )

Oh, how pathetic.

He's lost without
his precious lab.


Check it out, Neutron.

Looks like
Miss Wouldn't-Last-A-Day

just scored lunch
for a week.

( monkey chattering;
Cindy screaming )

Neutron-- do something!


What would Crazy Louie do?

Oh, that's right--

he'd open coconuts
with his tooth.


Just give him
the bananas.

( chattering )

Oh... a monkey... chase...

rabies... scary...

Look, Cindy,

I'm not happy
about this either,

but if we're
stuck here together,

we shouldn't squander
our energy fighting.

So what do you say?



Good-- now let's look

for fresh water.

Oh, and one more thing.

( chattering )

Oh, that's not funny.

( laughing )

( imitating laughter )

We're pretty close
to where they went over,

so let's
split up tasks.

I'll navigate.

Carl, you monitor
the gauges.

I'll sing
search-party songs

to raise our spirits.

No-- you scan
the ocean for them.

That works, too.

( Cindy breathing heavily )

We've been hiking for hours.

Can't we rest for a minute?

No, we have to
find a spring

while it's
still daylight.

A person can
only go 96 hours
without water.

Well, there must be
water here somewhere.

What else could keep
these plants alive?

Oh, Jimmy,
look out!


What is it?

Venus flytrap.

Really big
Venus flytrap.

Oh... uh.

( clears throat )

Yeah, uh...

Thanks for, uh,
saving my life.

No problem-- carry on.

( chattering softly )

Jimmy, are, um...
g-giant spider webs

made by g-giant spiders.

I don't know

and I'd rather not
hang around to find out.

Feel the drop in temperature,

I think there may be water


( gasping for air )

Cindy, there's a huge
boa constrictor

wrapped around you.

( gasping for air )

Right, you probably
knew that.

Uh... okay, don't worry.

I'll save you.


Ah, ginseng.

The Chinese use ginseng

as a natural
muscle relaxant,

and since a snake
is one big muscle...

Hey, ugly,
want a piece of me?

( snarls )
Is that the best
you can do?

I've seen scarier
puppy dogs.

( gasping )

you saved my life.

We may still be
in danger.

Snakes tend to live in...



( both screaming;
snakes snarling )

( both panting )

If we get off
this island alive,

it'll be a miracle.

Get off the island?

I just want to live
till sundown.

( both screaming )

We've got to jump.

Are you crazy?
It's 100 feet
to the water.

( snakes snarling )

You were saying?
Lovely day
for a swim.

( both screaming )

Ah, the sea--

whose water grows our gardens,

whose electric eels
light our homes,

whose jellyfish
fill our jelly donuts.

Sheen, none of
those things do that.

You try staying awake
staring at a stupid ocean.

( engine chugging )

What's that sound?

Carl, you're
supposed to watch
our readings.

I am, they're fine.

Well, what's
the fuel gauge say?

It's fine,
it's on "E"... for...

"engorged" with gas?

( engine chugging )

( all screaming )

( cawing )

( screaming )

Assume crash positions.

Uh... all right.

If you say so.

You know what?

Just go back to the screaming.

( screaming )

( grunting )

Is everybody okay?

Well, I'm
a little concerned

that we're stranded
in the middle of
the ocean.

Calm down Sheen.
Don't tell me
to calm down.

This is
all your fault.

Anybody with a brain knows

that "E" stands for... um, uh...

"Elp yourself to some gas."

Does not.

Does so.

Does not!
Does so!

This isn't helping.

We need
to get through this.

We just need a strategy.

Libby's right.

Kiss up.

We'll need protein.

Let's cut to the chase:
Who's eating who?

Who's eating whom.

That's it! I'm eating you.

Not if I eat you first.

I'll eat you
in your sleep.

I'll chow down on you both
if you don't keep quiet!

She's right--
at least we're in a boat.

Jimmy and Cindy have been
treading water for hours.

Poor guys.

Hey, Cindy.

Check it out.

( giving Tarzan yell )

Excellent form.

You win
a guava-mango smoothie.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

You know, I hate
to say it, Jimmy,

but aside from
the man-eating plants,

giant spiders
and vicious snakes, um...

this isn't so bad.

If we stay out of the jungle,
we should be fine...

Did you just call me "Jimmy"?

Well, that is your name.

I know,
I just didn't know you knew.

I thought you thought
it was "Neutroid" or "Speutron"

or "King Cranium"
or "Frankenhead"...

I know, I know.

Why do you think
we always fight back home?

Oh, that's easy,
because, well, uh...

maybe because... uh...

Huh... I don't remember.

I don't either.

I know I'm not
supposed to like you,

but being here
away from school

and grades
and peer pressure,

it makes me realize
how ridiculous that is.

You're a really
cool person.


I've sort
of been thinking

the same thing
about you.


Jimmy, if I had
to be stranded

on a deserted island
with anybody,

I'm glad it's you.

Me, too.

Um, Cindy, if you're not
doing anything tomorrow,

well, do you think
you might want to...

I don't know,
hang out together?

Hmm, I may have to move
some appointments around,

but what the heck,
I accept.



All hope fading.

Promise to remember
me, Libby.

Sheen, it's
only been a few...

Promise me!

I promise.

Carl... I've loved
you like a brother,

and I know you've
felt the same.


Oh, yeah, mm-hmm.

Best friend...


Are you eating

Yes, you are,
you little fink.

Hand it over.

I never did like you.

Let go... ow!

Sheen, don't do that.

Give it to me.


I was going to share,

but I ate one
and it was so good,

so I ate four more, and I, I...

I'm a terrible person!!

You got that right.

Get his legs, Libby.

No, Sheen,
You can't throw
Carl overboard.

Why not?

He might have more food on him!

( screaming and grunting )

Come on, you guys...

( horn blows )

Did you hear that?

It wasn't me.

It's an ocean liner.

Try to get
their attention.

But they're
so far away.

Jimmy must keep a flare
in here.

Look around.

Maybe this is it.

"For emergencies only."

This is an emergency.

Push it.

( explosion )

We're okay.

Um... maybe we should
just keep this to ourselves.

( yawns )

( screeching )

( laughing )

( hooting )

( Cindy gives a Tarzan yell )

( screaming )

Got you.

Jimmy, wasn't this
the best day ever?

You mean not
counting the time

NASA let me use
the Magellan telescope?



And to think--
we get to do this every day.

No more homework or chores
or mean people.

Just you and me
and all the time
in the world.

Cindy, I got you
a present.

A present--
on a deserted island?

But how?


A mollusk.

How... charming.

You're supposed
to open it.

( Cindy gasps )

A pearl.

Oh, Jimmy,
it's beautiful.

Aw, it's nothing, really.

While you were gathering fruit,

I decided to open up
a few oysters-- 137 actually.

That's the nicest
thing anyone's ever
done for me.

( grunting groggily )

Huh? What?

Oh, no!

Not another day at sea.

I'll surely go mad.

Sheen, calm down.

Unless I'm already mad

and you're a mirage.

I'm going to mirage-slap
your face.

Hey, where's
mirage Carl?


Oh, no!
Carl's gone.

Oh, hey, guys.

Beautiful morning, huh?

Help yourself to some fruit.

Carl, where did
you get those?

What, the freckles?

I have very pale skin,
and with the sun, I...

The oranges.


They're from that island.

( Libby gasps )

Land ho!

We're saved.

Carl, why didn't you
say something?

Hey, I got the fruit--
I can't do everything.

Whoo-hoo, I love
this hallucination.


Anybody here?



Guys! Guys!


( everyone jabbering )

My hover car.

We ran out of gas.

It's Carl's fault.
No, it wasn't.

Looks like I can make
the adjustments with my watch.

With island-brewed fuel,

we can be back home
in a few hours.

Oh... that's great news.

Sheen, gather up as much
shale rock as you can.

Right, mirage Jimmy.

Libby, I'll need some aloe
to pulverize into a paste.

I'm on it.



Over here.

Carl, I need you to gather
blue juniper berries.


I'll work on the engine.

All right, girl, spill.

What's up
between you and Jimmy?

Nothing's up.

What makes you think
something's up?

well, it's not...

Oh, I see,
you thought...

It's a funny
story, really.


Now, put your fuel
ingredients into
the gas tank.

What kinds
of rocks are those?

I didn't know shale,

but I found
these cool rocks

deep in the jungle--

These don't feel
like rocks at all.

They feel like...

( screams )

( roaring )

( all screaming )

Jimmy, that's
the spider we saw.

I think we put her
eggs in the gas tank.

If it destroys the hover car
we'll be stranded here for...

Did she just call you "Jimmy"?

( laughs
nervously )

( growling )

I have a plan,
but for it to work,

one of us'll have
to lure the spider.

I'll do it--
it's all a mirage.

Where do you want me, chief?

Between the two
tree houses.

Can do.

( whistling )

Now show the spider
you have the egg case.

Hey, arachno-dude.

Got your huevo.

Yep, I've seen
some ugly mirages in my day,

but you really take the cake.

( snarling )

I'm s-s-scared.

Sheen, drop it and run.


( others yell )

( wood splitting )

( thunderous crash )

( squealing )

In the hover car
before he climbs out.

What is it?

We don't have to go.

What are you
talking about?

We can conquer
the spider together,

like we did everything else.

And we can rebuild
our tree houses,
avoid the jungle

and stay on the island,
just the two of us.

We don't have to go.

Are you guys
coming or not?

Yeah, let's get
this mirage on the road.

( slurping )

Sam's new line of tropical
shakes really hit the spot.

Mm-hmm, and
it's good to hear

those two
fighting again.

Yep-- I guess
everything is
back to normal.

Cindy, for
the last time,

Australia is a country.

You're wrong, Neutron.

is a continent.

No, it's not.

Yes, it is.

No, it's not.
Yes, it is.

To the hover car?

Right behind you.

I'll take
the southern route.

The northern
route is faster.

I don't need directions.

Maybe I should drive.

( sauvely ):
Hola, soy Pablo.

Got to blast!

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius: Season 3, Episode 6 script (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

Last Updated:

Views: 5889

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.